Cycling Clubs in the North East

snoopsmydogg Posts: 1,110
edited May 2012 in Road beginners
Not been back in the saddle long after many years off a bike but from reading on here i'm starting to think a cycling club may be worth joining. I ride 2-4 times a week and have increased my rides from around 10-15miles to 25-30miles (longer on weekends if time permits)

Does anyone know of any decent clubs in or around the darlington area? I have googled and browsed a few sites and found Darlington CC, Ferryhill Wheelers and Stockton CC but not sure about how I would go about joining etc.

Not looking to race but do want to increase distance while getting fitter and faster :wink:

Anyone know of these clubs or have any recommendations around the area?


  • Diogenes
    Diogenes Posts: 1,628
    If you are looking to build mileage you may want to consider the CTC. There is a very friendly group out on Sundays doing typically 70 miles starting around Stockton / Middlesbrough at a decent pace but don't race. They can be found through the CTC website and you will find a warm welcome. They will also be able to put you in touch with other local clubs, DCC, and the Wheelers both of which tend to chain gang / race.

    D :D
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Hambleton wheelers in northallerton have runs on tues/wed/thurs evenings and saturday/sunday mornings, guy who runs it is owner of cowleys cycles in northallerton i think
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • snoopsmydogg
    snoopsmydogg Posts: 1,110
    cheers for the replies, I dropped by croft circuit last night while out on a ride to watch a bit of the racing and got to meet a few people from some local clubs. There is also a 10mile tt tonight not far from me so possibly going to pop over there aswell.

    Really enjoyed watching last night and got me tempted to enter when my fitness gets a bit better but am going to try a few sunday/weeknight rides to get used to being out in a group and go from there. I am told there is a fast group that goes out close to me on a Tuesday with Darlington CC that would be ideal in the future (work in Darlington on a Tuesday :) ) but again just something for me to work towards at the moment.

    Diogenes I looked on the CTC site but couldnt find a start point/time for the local rides

    bianchimoon I will google Hambleton Wheelers aswell thanks.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    sorry my mistake they're called hambleton road club
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • Diogenes
    Diogenes Posts: 1,628

    Diogenes I looked on the CTC site but couldnt find a start point/time for the local rides

    Try here, you want the central informal.

    D :D