Does Joe Simpson deserve this?



  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,098
    Am I to understand that the enjoyability of a book should be taken into consideration when selected by for a sylabus ? Seems odd when its the analysis of the work which is important, not the enjoyability of it.
    If you asked those kids why they disliked it, could thy explain in an articulate fashion why they thought it was boring? To have a personal go at an author seems out of order.
    As part of my A level, I had The French Liueutenats Woman and I hated the thing but that wasn't the point. We all have to do things in life that we may not like, but if we pander to the opinions of school children and allow them to have a say in sylabus content, you giving kids power and that power can be abused.
    We don't give kids the vote and we do't allow them to drink or drive for good reason - because they are kids.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • I had to read bloody Kes in school. Some miserabnle little scrote in a miserable part of Britain during an especially miserable period in history buzzing off a half-dead bird-thing.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    As for all these reports of graduates being rubbish when the turn up to university - my mother has been lecturing at Cambridge for 20 years now - and she's convinced the standard of student she has now, in terms of preparation, work ethic and attitude is noticeably better now than it was when she started.

    Sadly, it's not just about whether or not they aren't turning up to University a bit rubbish - it's what the Universities are pushing out. Coursework that delivers passes seems to be now more important than coursework that trains people to think. Most graduates these days just seem unable and unwilling to think. It's really odd but maybe not surprising under the circumstances. They might work hard but if the courses aren't what they were then how can they be expected to be any good?
    Faster than a tent.......
  • My experience of university has been similar to GCSEs and A-level: ticking boxes. I've actually read around the sUbject because it interests me, and subsequently wasted a lot of time. Unfortunately I struggle at written work, and became disillusioned with people in my class who would spend a few hours in the library the day an essay was due in and get 60%+ where as I genuinely struggle. A huge disappointment for me.
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • BillyMansell
    BillyMansell Posts: 817
    I had to read bloody Kes in school. Some miserabnle little scrote in a miserable part of Britain during an especially miserable period in history buzzing off a half-dead bird-thing.
    Nowadays, you'd get an A++ for such a succinct report