Three Peaks



  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    SheffSimon wrote:

    Do you still have to carry a bivvy bag and whistle?

    Probably the pain/cramp in your legs whilst staggering up Whernside and Penyghent Lane will distract you from the crank digging in yer kidneys :)

    Gonna be a muddy one I guess with the recent biblical downpours....

    Yup, still need the bag and whistle. Downpours are continuing so it's going to be a real mudbath! Nervous already
  • Mike67
    Mike67 Posts: 585
    Just beginning to wonder if there's such a thing as clipless wellies :D

    All set otherwise, though not had much chance to test the kit in anger so far this week.

    I'm more worried about the car park field...does anyone know if we're likely to get our cars out alive?
    Mike B

    Cannondale CAAD9
    Kinesis Pro 5 cross bike
    Lots of bits
  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    Never again!

    That is all
  • PeteMadoc wrote:
    Never again!

    That is all

  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    Anyone that finishes this has my utmost respect! Well done fellas.
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • Mike67
    Mike67 Posts: 585
    PeteMadoc wrote:
    Never again!

    That is all're only saying that 'cos you feel like you been put in a washing machine on a cold wash with a bunch of rocks for 5 hours or so :D (6.5 in my case :( )
    I was lucky??? enough to be one of the last few allowed up Pen-y-Ghent which in the end I appreciated as it was the only one I could ride most of the way down.

    Must say I've never actually been blown off my bike before...ended up in a ditch off the track coming down Ingleborough...:D

    The weather couldn't be as bad as that again...could it?
    At least we have a few months to forget just how bad it was before we put next years entry in :wink:
    Mike B

    Cannondale CAAD9
    Kinesis Pro 5 cross bike
    Lots of bits
  • graeme_s-2
    graeme_s-2 Posts: 3,382
    Serious amounts of respect folks. Looks and sounds utterly miserable, look forwards to hearing all the gory details when you've recovered enough to write them up!

  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    Another great shot


    I'll be back with some gory details later
  • sheffsimon
    sheffsimon Posts: 1,282
    Graeme_S wrote:
    Serious amounts of respect folks. Looks and sounds utterly miserable, look forwards to hearing all the gory details when you've recovered enough to write them up!


    Nice to see the organisers providing bike washing facilities :)

    Chapeau to all those that rode, and to those saying never again just remind yourself of that statement when you are dragging yereslf up Penyghent next year :)
  • Hey Bex,

    Take it you were a bit surprised that that puddle had gone from being a few inches deep, when we walked up the lane less than 24 hours earlier, to being fork crown deep on the day...!

    Looking at the results you didn't do too badly - you beat me in anyway.

    To steal an old Bond film title - "Never Say Never Again"...

    Dave - the Army rider who gave you a few pointers on the Saturday evening recce (hope they were useful by the way!).
    50th Anniversary 3 Peaks Cyclocross 2012 survivor
  • davetrave wrote:
    Hey Bex,

    Take it you were a bit surprised that that puddle had gone from being a few inches deep, when we walked up the lane less than 24 hours earlier, to being fork crown deep on the day...!

    Looking at the results you didn't do too badly - you beat me in anyway.

    To steal an old Bond film title - "Never Say Never Again"...

    Dave - the Army rider who gave you a few pointers on the Saturday evening recce (hope they were useful by the way!).

    Hi Dave,

    Never mind the swimming pool, there was a bloody river running down Pen-y-Ghent lane plus a load of blokes coming down at break neck speed and numerous helpers (and their dogs on extended leads) swinging wheel sets in the middle of the lane too by the time I got there! That was the first bit I was actually competent enough to ride up and down and I kept stalling due to the blimmin traffic and the flood!

    I said "never again" when I finished. But I haven't slept the last 2 nights as I was so disappointed with my ride. I didn't ride any of Whernside bar the very bottom and was too scared to ride the top halves of Inglethorpe and Pen-y-Ghent due to the wind and my lack of bike handling skills.

    I'm already counting down the days to next year's event. I shall be more technically able then!

    Anyway I hope you felt it was worth it - and will wear your finishers T shirt with pride. I certainly will!

    See you next year!

    I'd just like to say a very big THANK YOU to the wonderful marshalls who braved those atrocious conditions on our behalf. You guys are the real heroes of the day.
  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    My account of the days events
  • Mike67
    Mike67 Posts: 585
    PeteMadoc wrote:
    My account of the days events

    That’s a very good write up, sums the day up really well.
    It seems to be a fast fading memory already...apart from the achey legs that is.

    Anyone else ventured out for a ride this week?
    I’ve been out twice and can’t muster up any effort before my legs feel knackered again. Also about 1-2mph down on the average speeds I would expect.

    I’m guessing it’s down to all that running I did (and certainly am not used to :D ).

    Hope I get my legs back soon.
    Mike B

    Cannondale CAAD9
    Kinesis Pro 5 cross bike
    Lots of bits
  • Yes agreed. Your blog is a great read PeteMadoc. My thoughts entirely but written far more eloquently than I could do!

    My legs have felt great this week surprisingly and I even went out for a ride on Monday. But I did loads of running and bike carrying ahead of the race. What I didn't hone beforehand though was my seat-of-the-pants-descending-over-rocks-in-gale-force-wind skills. Next year I'll take a big swig of whiskey at the top of Ingleborough to give me Dutch courage.... Either that or I'll leave my brain and pain receptors at Helwith Bridge.
  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    Fcuk me the stairs were a bloody challenge on Monday morning.

    I've been for a few lazy commutes but not pushed hard. Leg pain is finally subsiding today but the whiplash from hitting my head on the floor is still prevalent.

    What I think is really funny is how many people said they would never do it again. Now, after a few days everyone's talking about next year, how they'll be better prepared, disc brakes, tubs, better training. It's like we all went through some kind of major trauma but we all want to go back for more, get revenge or something.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Chapeau and kinda glad I wasn't there. Here's a write-up from Ed on Retrobike in his own inimitable style:
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..