Planet X B wheels - what would I need to notice an upgrade

gloomyandy Posts: 520
edited May 2012 in Road buying advice
have been thinking about possible upgrades to my pro carbon bike and the normal advice is upgrade the wheels. At the moment I have planet-x model B wheels, what would I need to have a significant improvement on these?




  • kevin69
    kevin69 Posts: 87
    mavic ksyrium elite feel better and have much smoother ride, imho.
    they won't make you faster though.
  • gloomyandy
    gloomyandy Posts: 520
    Thanks for the quick reply... Will take a look at the elite. Not sure that any wheel set will make me much faster unless it comes complete with a motor...
  • dru
    dru Posts: 1,341
    I have a set of model b's

    I also have a set of Kyrsrium SSC's as well

    Ok, they are stiffer, but I don't really notice a difference in them against each other.

    The only wheels I have that I can tell make a difference to me are my 50mm carbon rimmed planet x one which fly by comparision.

    If the wheels come at a decent price then if you have the cash to burn, then go for it if not, then I would not bother.
  • gloomyandy
    gloomyandy Posts: 520
    Hi Dru,
    that's a brilliant reply thanks, do you by any chance know which wheels the 50mm carbons are? Do you notice much of a problem with them in cross winds etc? Perhaps I will keep an eye out for a good deal on something like that and simply wait until the model b's need to be replaced....

  • passout
    passout Posts: 4,425
    Bs are good wheels. Better to get some top notch tyres IMO.
    'Happiness serves hardly any other purpose than to make unhappiness possible' Marcel Proust.