Mountain Biking Survey – your help needed!

mtbsurvey Posts: 4
edited May 2012 in MTB general
If you’re a keen mountain biker, I need your help to learn about your experiences and opinions of mountain bike access to the countryside in England and Wales.

• What are your riding preferences?
• Do you want more places to ride your mountain bike?
• What are your experiences of mountain biking at trail centres and on public rights of way?

If you’re passionate about mountain biking and can spare a few minutes to help with my research project please visit:

The questionnaire only takes a few minutes to complete and your input will contribute to research that may help benefit access to the countryside for mountain biking. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

This survey is being conducted by Matt Fitzgerald as part of a MSc Public Rights of Way and Countryside Access Management degree course at Sheffield Hallam University.

The research project is investigating mountain bikers' use and experiences of public rights of way (e.g. bridleways) and purpose built trail centres, and the implications this may have for improving both public rights of way networks and wider access to the countryside for mountain biking in England and Wales.

Please email if you would like any further information.
