Insects in my Helmet

logitech208 Posts: 167
edited May 2012 in Road beginners
Since the nicer weather has arrived the insects seem to have come out in a big way, I seem to swell up quite badly when stung I always carry antihistamine tablets just incase, Yesterday I had a wasp go into my helmet and it was scratching around on my head.

I had a mad panic at 30mph and had to get the helmet off my head as quickly as posible I nearly crashed, is there anything people do to prevent this, as I am thinking of not wearing my helmet anymore if this continues.


  • Duffer65
    Duffer65 Posts: 341
    You could either get a helmet with an integral insect net or wear a cycling cap under your helmet...which can get a bit sweaty. Or there may be a way you can fix a piece of netting inside your current helmet.
    Where would you be if you fell down a hole?.. Stuck down a hole... in the fog... Stuck down a hole, in the fog, at night... WITH AN OWL!
  • klep
    klep Posts: 158
    Try a bandana under your helmet.
  • Rule74Please
    Rule74Please Posts: 307
    Spiuk Nexion

    Best fit mesh included - problem solved
  • NITR8s
    NITR8s Posts: 688
    I have been having this a lot, been ignoring it but finding loads of bites on my head.

    The funniest thing happened the otherday, I felt a big bug fly in my helmet so went to to try and brush it off and thought I heard a wasp busing init, started to panic like you did, only to realise that the buzzing sound was the sound of my fingers rubbing together in my gloves. Felt like such an idiot.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Just google 'mosquito net fabric ' you can buy it by the meter for a couple of quid. Cut it to size and fit it in place. Be careful gluing it though, some glues will melt the polystyrene, so it's probably better to tape it in place (or find a suitable glue :lol: )
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • madtam
    madtam Posts: 141
    If fitting your own mesh it is likely to be more effective on the outside as the mesh could be too close to your skin to stop insects biting/stinging on the inside.
  • giropaul
    giropaul Posts: 414
    You may also, of course, just not wear a helmet.
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    I cycle fast enough that the bugs get splatted on impact.. makes washing my hair a bit gritty though :mrgreen:

    But I seriously wonder why bug mesh isn't a feature on the majority of helmets? can't be that hard to build in.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I always wear a bandana underneath my helmet. Soaks up the sweat and keeps it out of my eyes in summer too. Never had a bug problem.
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    cougie wrote:
    I always wear a bandana underneath my helmet. Soaks up the sweat and keeps it out of my eyes in summer too. Never had a bug problem.

  • navrig
    navrig Posts: 1,352
    Don't abandon the helmet. A friend/colleague had an off last week and is a bit of a mess. His helmet is an even bigger mess. Goodness knows what he would look like just now had he ridden helmetless.

    I once had a bee get behind my visor when on the motorbike. Scarey. Little beggar stung me on the eyelid.

    Mesh is the answer.