Cycling shorts on commute to work?

CyclingObsession Posts: 314
edited May 2012 in Road beginners
I've a 10 mile commute in to work and a 13 mile commute home is I worth it to wear Lycra shorts and top for that distance? I also do a 14 mile cycle at lunch. Does anyone else wear the. To work? Changing is not an issue as I have a locker.


  • MarksMintness
    MarksMintness Posts: 484
    Yes mate, its the best way to ride mate especially if its no bother changing at work.
    Current bike: 2014 Kinesis Racelight T2 - built by my good self!
  • Might try it tomorrow then, I find back back and shorts slow me down with wind and hills, I always seem to travel faster with them on, save on the washing also :)
  • Slimie
    Slimie Posts: 1
    D'you live in two different places?

    But, yes wear the appropriate clothing and change at work.

  • It's only 5 miles to work so I just wear normal shorts and save the lycra for the weekend. I guess the extra drag from the baggy shorts is good for training though :mrgreen:
  • samsbike
    samsbike Posts: 942
    definately its more comfortable
  • MountainMonster
    MountainMonster Posts: 7,423
    It will be more comfortale for sure, but the only thing I would be worried about is getting too sweaty from pushing yourself if you feel comfortable, and without showers the co-workers may like that. I have a mile and a half sprint to work every morning, and lukcily it is short enough that I warm up and wake up, but don't begin to sweat. On a longer ride, I would err a bit on the side of caution.
  • jonomc4
    jonomc4 Posts: 891
    I use Lycra at the weekend but during the week I put my cycling baggies over them (Endura Humvee) The only reason is I don't fancy walking into the office in Lycra - not worried about on the bike time.
  • klep
    klep Posts: 158
    If changing clothes and as stated, sweating isnt a problem, go for it!
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Try some padded undershorts under regular shorts for short rides. If you can't shower, get some baby-wipes to freshen-up.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • simon_e
    simon_e Posts: 1,707
    If you want to and can do then do it, you don't need to check with anyone else first.

    When my commute was a 5 mile pootle through town I didn't bother but now it's a lumpy 10 miles padded lycra makes it much more pleasant (with longs over them sub-15º to save my knees).
    Aspire not to have more, but to be more.