Free Toddlebike Trial for children aged 18-24 months

Faye@BikeRadar Posts: 316
edited May 2012 in The bottom bracket
Toddlers Wanted – 100 UK Toddlers aged 18-24 months wanted to take the first step towards independent riding this summer with the 2012 Toddlebike Trial.

Following the success of our Bike Radar Toddlebike Trail in 2011, and to trial our new ‘Quick-Slick’ wheels, Toddlebike as teamed up with Bike Radar to offer independent, active, walking Toddlers the chance to take a Toddlebike home for around 3 months this summer and use it as widely as possible indoor and out and share their findings.

Results for the last trial can be found in full on the Bike Radar Forums, or to see a round-up click here.

Involvement is free of charge with a £15 deposit refundable at the end of the project.

Interested families should Email to receive an application form and further information.

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