Daft Dragonride number/start question.

Anonymous Posts: 79,667
I am being thick, but bare with me. I entered the Dragonride and when the entry list came out online I was, and still am number 576. Now, today my number and timing chip came through and I'm number 2219. Bit disappointed as I wanted an early-ish start and was pleased with the lower number, but why has it changed and if we are being set off in numerical order, how do we get formed up on the day ? Do I go by my rider number of 2219 ? Seems a bit up in the air for me and the omens are not good.............. :?


  • paul2718
    paul2718 Posts: 471
    The paper work says that the start is from 0730-0858 and that your (earliest) start time is printed on the envelope that the chip came in. I think start times are based on how long you expected to take, but whether slow go first or last I don't know. I have an 0745-0800 start time and I guessed I would take between 7.5 and 8 hours, based on taking 8 hours last year and some increasingly unwarranted optimism.
