In praise of...

rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
edited May 2012 in Commuting chat
...the pootle.

Had a cold last week and from previous experience, figured it wouldn't be a good idea to really go for it on the bike.

Still wanted to ride in so since Thursday I've pootled in. Must confess, I've loved it.

Can still turn in a reasonable pace - nothing too embarrassing - especially with a tailwind, but not seeing stars and blowing hard at every set of lights. So much more relaxed. Lights mean I'm barely slower, I am filtering much better and I'm riding more safely. Lovely. I even arrive at works totally relaxed. No beading.

For sure, as soon as my snot stops being so thick you could hold bricks together with it and i stop coughing my lungs up I'll be back to full tilt, but for now, I'll enjoy my pootles.
