What is really like to climb the Col d'Izoard? A GUIDE

We've just written another Tour climb guide about the great Col d'Izoard in the Southern Alps; what it's like to ride and a bit of Tour history.

http://www.polkadotcycling.com/latest-n ... -d-izoard/

We've also written some guides on the Glandon, Telegraphe, Galibier and Alpe d'Huez if anyone is doing the Marmotte.
There is nothing like the incredible feeling of summiting a Tour climb with blue skies all around and the sun on your back.


  • JamesB
    JamesB Posts: 1,184
    One curiousity I found with this climb is that in places, where it is actually 7-8% thro` meadows about 6 km from summit is it actually looks flat :o ---very disconcerting as your gears insist it is anything but flat (as do high speed descending riders). But it is lovely and the restuarant views marvellous indeed :):)
  • Hi Polka

    Ive enjoyed browsing your articles on climbs and wonder if I could ask a favour of your local knowledge :)

    Im attempting this years Marmotte and have the opportunity to drive to one climb on the Friday then ride at a very leisurely pace!

    Thinking of Izoard actually but also Iseran which has the advantage of enabling us to have a look at a circuit of the Marmotte course on the way over

    Which of those 2 would you suggest, or even better something else within 50km of Huez?
    We will be riding Galibier and the Alp so something different would be a treat besides the iconic cols

  • Hi,

    Given that the Marmotte is on the Saturday, even if you are riding steady, I wouldn't do too much the day before. The Iseran is 47km long and although steady up to Val d'isere, it does then go much steeper for the last 16km. It's a good 2 1/2-3hrs of climbing so I wouldn't recommend the Iseran the day before. The Izoard is not a bad choice, as it's about the right length to find your climbing legs but possibly a bit steep at the top for the day before. It's about an 1 1/2 hr drive further South from Alpe D'Huez over to Briancon, so it depends a bit on how much time you have.

    An alternative to the Izoard would be Les Deux Alpes. Not quite as iconic as the Izoard, but it has been used in Tour in the past. It was the final climb of the epic 1998 Etape du tour and was last used in 2003, . It's really close to Alpe d'Huez too, only 5km along the valley floor from Bourg d'Oisans to the start. You start by climbing the Lauteret up to Dam and then turn right and up to Les Deux Alpes. From the bottom of the Lauteret it's 9km to the dam of fairly steady climbing, some slightly steeper sections at the bottom and then a 2km downhill and then once you turn off for Les Deux Alpes, it's 12km to the top of fairly consistent climbing around 7%. There's a short flatter section in the middle to get a breather too. It's a pretty climb and has the hair pins marked like Alpe d'Huez.

    Hope that helps.
    There is nothing like the incredible feeling of summiting a Tour climb with blue skies all around and the sun on your back.
  • malcolmfrost
    malcolmfrost Posts: 211
    Im attempting this years Marmotte and have the opportunity to drive to one climb on the Friday then ride at a very leisurely pace!
    Don't :D:D
  • tonyscp
    tonyscp Posts: 111
    Try the road up to La Berarde - turn right off the main road about 3km N of Bourg D'Oisans. It's about 30k - varied gradients. A couple of steep sections, but a lot of it follows the river gradually climbing into the heart of the Ecrins. Towards the top the scenery is breathtaking. You can have a beer in the village at the top and pootle back down. One of the best rides in the area in my opinion.

    Cheers, TonyS
  • SFT
    SFT Posts: 156
    We did this climb last July, and I did find the second half of Col d'Izoard hard..

    We started the day at Valloire and after a good breakfast went straight out and climbed the Col du Galibier, followed by Col D'Izoard, and then the ski resort of Col du Vars giving a massive day of 12133 feet of climb and just under 100 miles - 8 hrs in the saddle finishing totally knackered at Barcelonnette.