Dragon Ride Entry

7921leon Posts: 29
I have my Grand Fondo 206Km place available for June 10th. (you can do which ever route you like though)

I am just about to start a new job and means I will be working that weekend now, so I am gutted to not be able to go.

The cut of date for proper transfers was on the 27th of April so it is too late to go down that route. The only option now is that I can send the rider pack onto you but obviously you would be entered on my name. The packs are being sent out this week and next as I have spoke to them on the phone today (09th).

Other than posting the pack onto you, you could always get it from my friends who are going to be there and sort it all out on the morning or the evening before as they are camping the night before.

I am gutted to not be doing it (would of been my fifth time) but hope someone else who couldn't get a place can enjoy the ride instead.

Email me at seblee02@hotmail.com or call me on 07968 548263
