IAM Survey

Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
edited May 2012 in The bottom bracket
Heh heh, so having seen some of the recent punctuation on here this could go south quickly but here is an interesting survey that you might want to add your tuppence happenny worth to:

http://www.iam.org.uk/policy-and-resear ... g-the-road

Not sure how current it is but I am all for defusing the conflict between road users and the IAM do have a voice at the discussion table. My pet hates:

...blinking cyclists on pavements when there are quiet, decent roads available. Dark clothes, no lights and riding as though one has a right of way are the icing on the cake.

...blinking motorists who drive stupidly close and at speed when overtaking (or the fav combo of 'sqeezing through' when there is clearly road furniture in the middle of the road and the only sqeezing to be done is me into the verge).
