Miche spare parts.

BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
edited December 2015 in Workshop
Hi there,

I have a pair of training wheels fitted with Campagnolo compatible Miche 'Racing box' hubs. After a couple of winters use I felt that I should service them, but due to them being rather neglected and my own cack-handedness I managed to damage one of the rear hub locknuts.

Looking around the web it seems that no one lists Miche spares and no parts lists seem to be available even on the Miche site. As a bit of a last resort I E-mailed Miche directly asking if they could supply the part I needed. Three days later the part arrived in my postbox, free of charge!

The part was posted to me directly from their local agent here in France, so my E-mail was obviously passed on.

Bottom line is that if you use or are thinking of buying Miche kit and ever need spares contact one of their listed agents, or failing this Miche themselves, and they will probably be able to sort you out. Miche stuff is already good value but it gives peace of mind to know that parts can be sourced, even if there seems to be no Campagnolo-like dealer network for spares.

Might be useful for someone!


  • antikythera
    antikythera Posts: 326
    The guys you want to speak to are "Company Z" (Peter) from memory, they were operating out of ebay, but had a work shop out in NE London. Can't find a reference at the moment but speak to Mal from LeBeau Velo, he should be able to get you in touch with them

    Name LeBeau Velo
    Contact Mal
    Address 36 - 42 New Inn Yard, Shoreditch, London, EC2A 3EY
    Shop Open
    Tel 0203 487 0720
    Email mal@lebeauvelo.co.uk
    Web site www.lebeauvelo.co.uk
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    I see that "Company Z" are still listed as an official Miche distributor for the UK on the Miche site. However, their website seems to have been dead since 2010, which might be why I never came across them when searching for parts:

    The Web Archive does bring up this:

    http://web.archive.org/web/201002020256 ... nyz.co.uk/

    I wonder if they are still active?

    Edit: I have found that this is their new website address. (Although it looks like it hasn't been updated in a while either):


    Maybe they need to tell Miche of the change in URL!
  • cycleclinic
    cycleclinic Posts: 6,865
    I will be buying more of these for stock next week. Ran out. Company Z is no longer. They have a new name and don't sell to the public. also they are not the Miche Distributor as such that is mostly chickens cycles.

    The successor company acts as a distributor for some brands but as a agent for miche for people like me to to go through to get hold of Miche kit that chickens don't stock or for OEM kit not made available like some of there hubs only found in there wheelsets.

    I use the hubs alot so I do keep a whole range of spares or can get them.
    http://www.thecycleclinic.co.uk -wheel building and other stuff.