It goes to prove what you can do

kernel_gadaffi Posts: 121
edited May 2012 in Road beginners
Out of curiosity when I'd finished my ride today, I decided to have a look in my diary from 1992 when I started cycling again, I bought an MTB in July, but did a lot of road miles when on my own and for the reasons of safety, I reckon I was doing a 75/25% road/off road split as I only went off road when I was with someone else, in the first 7 days, I clocked 129 miles, that was with one day off, so that mileage was covered in six days, in early December, I'd just clocked up the 1,000th mile, and got a pucture, my first one, but I had lost over 3 stone, I felt great and was soooooo much fitter and healthier. Very soon I was clocking up 30+ mile rides on the MTB and averaging over the magic (well for me it was) 10mph, I struggled up hills having only one good leg to push with. In early March, myself and a mate did a 50 mile round trip and used some of the coast to coast route, on the way back, about 2 miles from the car, I looked at my computer and I was literally about to rack up the 2,000th mile, I turned to my mate and said, "last time I hit this milestone I got a puncture", I hardly got the words out of my mouth....pppppssssttttttt, yep, you've guessed it, I should never have tempted fate.
Here I am at 51, 20 years older and using a road bike instead of the MTB (although I still have one) and I'm wondering if I'll be able to match or beat my previous achievements, I'd like to think so.

A happy pedaler.
Cube Peloton Pro.
Genesis Core 30.
