On the naughty step.

kernel_gadaffi Posts: 121
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
I couldn't resist any more and decided to have a tootle on my new bike, even though my doctor told me that I hadn't to, until he'd seen me next Friday and either given me the all clear or if I was to behave for another week, I just went steady and never exerted myself, I wasn't out of breath but I was sweating like a Scotsman when it's his round, I'd just got to 3 miles when a car drove passed pipping the horn, then pulled into a lay by some 200 yards further on, I pulled up behind the car and a bloke got out, I'd been caught out, I was given a bit of a dressing down by the bloke, you've guessed it, it was my doctor :shock: , he asked me if I was OK, he could see that I was perspiring a fair bit, I was ordered to turn around and go back home, so I clipped back into the pedals and I was followed all the way back :roll:, no doubt I'll get a bollocking next Friday .
On the brighter side of things though, a mate has just been round and gave me some brand new Altura bib shorts, he bought them, but lost that much weight, he never wore them :D so I'm a happy chappy, tried me bike and got some free shorts, good day.
Cube Peloton Pro.
Genesis Core 30.


  • What was the probability of you being caught by your doctor!

    I'd go out and buy a lottery ticket....

    All the gear, but no idea...
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    What I want to know is what condition you have given that your doctor can recognise you by driving up behind you and seeing only your ar5e. :shock:
  • My false leg is a different colour to the real one, and the false one doesn't have any hairs on it :?
    Cube Peloton Pro.
    Genesis Core 30.
  • what was wrong with you that your doc told you not to ride ?
    Unashamed to admit Ive zero time for Tory , Toff, In-bred , ex Public Schoolboys who are flushing our country down the crapper.
  • slowondefy2
    slowondefy2 Posts: 348
    what was wrong with you that your doc told you not to ride ?

    Gutted, beyond belief
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    My false leg is a different colour to the real one, and the false one doesn't have any hairs on it :?
    Ahhhhh, high blood pressure, that explains it. :D:D
  • Feeling sore and a little stiff now, although the little stiff is nothing to do with the bike ride :oops:

    It took me 29 minutes to do the 6 miles, I had my phone with me so I'm going to download the data to Strava :roll:
    Cube Peloton Pro.
    Genesis Core 30.
  • Technik
    Technik Posts: 35
    I was ordered to turn around and go back home, so I clipped back into the pedals and I was followed all the way back :roll:, no doubt I'll get a bollocking next Friday .

    :lol: That's a good one...
  • Even though I only did 6 miles yesterday (3 of them under escort!), I'm suffering today, joints are stiff as is my back, but I enjoyed myself andbam looking forward to the next trip out. I'll try for 10 miles next time, from where I live, there are several villages up the dale, its my ambition to get to the next one along on every trip, I have an 11-27 on the back and was on the lowest gear yesterday on a 1 in 12 and was really struggling, I'll keep at it, but I know I'll not get up any of the hills to get me out or the valley, so I reckon I'll have to put a 30/32 on the back to do this, but we'll see how we go.
    Cube Peloton Pro.
    Genesis Core 30.
  • godders1
    godders1 Posts: 750
    Busted! :lol:
  • slowlanejane
    slowlanejane Posts: 312
    Even though I only did 6 miles yesterday (3 of them under escort!), I'm suffering today, joints are stiff as is my back, but I enjoyed myself andbam looking forward to the next trip out. I'll try for 10 miles next time, from where I live, there are several villages up the dale, its my ambition to get to the next one along on every trip, I have an 11-27 on the back and was on the lowest gear yesterday on a 1 in 12 and was really struggling, I'll keep at it, but I know I'll not get up any of the hills to get me out or the valley, so I reckon I'll have to put a 30/32 on the back to do this, but we'll see how we go.

    S'OK, I'm recovering from a slipped disc, currently using my granny gear to go over a motorway bridge. But I'm not fussed, I'm just happy to be out. It'll all come back if I keep on.
  • Swos
    Swos Posts: 27
    Looks like you got well and truly busted :D
  • Yippee, good news from the doc, I've been getting my BP checked every other day this week and it's been dropping, I had to get it checked first thing morning, before I'd had any food or meds, it was 168/129, I was gutted, roll forward to 3pm, I had an appointment with my doc, he was pleased with the result of the BP test this morning as he did it to prove a point, he checked it again and it was 120/84 and 125/80, he informed me that the meds were working, I was no longer at an immediate risk of heart attack and I could resume riding both on (and off the bike :mrgreen: ), he also signed me up for gym training and allowed me to take the Naproxen again for the arthritis, that was partially to blame for the high BP.
    So I am a very happy camper and can go out on my 6 miles only Felt (which isn't secondhand or for sale) without living in fear of being caught out by the doc, typically though, it's peeing down, but I'm still over the moon with the results and nothing can darken my mood.

    YEEEEEEEHHHHHHAAAAAWWWWWW :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
    Cube Peloton Pro.
    Genesis Core 30.
  • Swos
    Swos Posts: 27
    Congrats mate and enjoy the new bike
  • slowondefy2
    slowondefy2 Posts: 348
    Excellent news! I hope the weather good for you this weekend!
  • Mate great news :)

    Just take it easy, don't push yourself and build things up nice and slowly. I would even maybe think about sticking a slightly bigger cassette on the back to make things easier for you. Unless you have a triple and not a compact.
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • I've just got back from a tootle, I clocked up a round trip to a nearby village, 18 miles in 1 hour 50 minutes, I know thats very slow but the headwind was horrendous, it was that bad, I was glad I have a triple front ring, otherwise I'd have been walking a lot, I only got onto the big ring twice, that was on the way back with the wind behind me. I had a few stops on the way, was drinking fluids for England and coughing like an asthmatic Woodbine with hay fever, my heart was trying to escape from my chest and is still going fairly fast, feeling a bit jaded now and have a sore right next to my conker bag, will have to get the lady with the cream to rub some on the affected parts :mrgreen:
    Cube Peloton Pro.
    Genesis Core 30.
  • Well, Kim, the lady of the smooth hands and queen of healing embrocation appliers had a look at the sore spot near the conker bag, she said there was a split about 2cm long in the thin skin at the top of my thigh, no wonder I felt sore, I've never had a sore there before and never go on the bike without padded shorts, I was wearing a brand new pair of Altura bibs yesterday, so am at a loss to explain the cause, could it just be a case of too long out of the saddle. Even typing this is making me feel sore so I'll probably need to go for another session with the angel of applications and keeper of the cooling cream :mrgreen::mrgreen:
    Cube Peloton Pro.
    Genesis Core 30.
  • slowondefy2
    slowondefy2 Posts: 348
    New bike, did you say? Maybe the saddle is too soft/too wide? I've had a similar problem and been better since changing to a harder Selle SLR Flow.

    Could be a one-off. Unless its crippling I'd push through it for now.
  • I'll keep going with the saddle supplied with the bike, not one for giving up easily, like I said before, "it might just be the fact that I've been out of the saddle for such a long time". I have a Marin Lite saddle that was on my first MTB from 1992 and it is very comfortable, also have a Spesh BG spare, so hopefully something will gel with me.
    Cube Peloton Pro.
    Genesis Core 30.
  • I've just done the same trip as last Saturday and did it 25 minutes faster, so well happy, I've been offered 2X1 hour spinning sessions in the gym per week, so that'll help a lot even when the weather is crap, next trip out I'll be looking to do 20 miles, I'm also looking forward to the healing hands of Kim applying an embrocation to the tender parts (again) later :roll:
    Cube Peloton Pro.
    Genesis Core 30.
  • HI kernel gadaffi, can you private message me your email? I can't respond to the MSG you sent the other day for some reason? Still interested in that bike so pics would be good