
Soni Posts: 1,217
edited May 2012 in The bottom bracket
Hi guys, i consider myself relatively new to the world of cycling, only getting into it about 3 years ago, and when i started, Lance Armstrong was making his comeback to cycling and also Contador was at his peak.

Those two riders really inspired me, Armstrong because of his life story and something about his character that i found attractive in a non gay way!

Also, Contador, a fantastic cool looking rider, fantastic climber, totally unpredictable, who looked really great on a bike and always gave me that 'i would love to be like him' type of feel!

I was getting up in the mornings at 5am and riding for 17 miles every morning, lost a couple of stone in weight, but now Lance is retired, and Contador is suspended, i don't seem to have anybody that gives me that inspiration, i've stopped riding, and put on a couple of stone in weight again :(

I was doing really well until the end of last summer, was riding several times a week, together with turbo sessions in between, and got down to 14st 4lbs, this was down from 18st 2 at my heaviest, i felt really good about myself, went out and bought new smaller clothes, but now i'm back up to 16st 7lbs, and i feel overweight and like crap....

When i came back from holiday last year i never really got back on the bike, and now i'm finding it difficult to get back out on it, was thinking of going out today but its raining, and don't really fancy people seeing an overweight lump on a bike, and therefore thinking of using the turbo to lose a bit of weight first, but don't fancy using the turbo, in a bit of a whirl, just lost the motivation.....

We are hopefully going to book a holiday for the end of July within the next couple of weeks which hopefully will motivate me to lose the weight, which gives me about 12 weeks to lose a couple of stone, which i can do quite easily when riding and watching my diet.

Also, buying a new bike within the next coupe of weeks which i'm looking forward to, but i need to get out on the bike before i get the new bike otherwise it feels like i'm getting something that i'm not going to use or get any fun out of if that makes sense........


  • nweststeyn
    nweststeyn Posts: 1,574
    Do you have any riding friends?

    The group of people I ride with are my inspiration - I don't want to hold them up, so I train harder. I used to look to pros for inspiration/motivation but it doesn't work for me anymore.
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    nweststeyn wrote:
    Do you have any riding friends?

    The group of people I ride with are my inspiration - I don't want to hold them up, so I train harder. I used to look to pros for inspiration/motivation but it doesn't work for me anymore.

    Not really riding friends, there is a cycling club i went out with a few times, but i feel completely out of shape and feel i need to get in shape before i go out with them if that makes sense.
  • nweststeyn
    nweststeyn Posts: 1,574
    Let that be your motivation then ;)

    Or us... we'll gladly tell you to get out and ride, ya lazy b******!!! Go NOW!

  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Try doing different types of riding - sometimes in the hills, sometimes on the flat, sometimes along the coast (if possible). See as much of the countryside as you can.
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    +1 for cycling with a friend, a confirmed date n time to meet is the best motivation. If you don't want to hold up a club, ask on here for someone to ride with, that's how I met my cycling buddy.

    So, where are you based?
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    Love the countryside, loved riding early in the mornings last Summer and seeing the fields and rolling hills float by, set me up for the day.

    I was born in Perth Scotland, lived in Inverness until 6 years old, then moved South, i now live in North Kent right on the North Downs, some nice scenery, the problem i have with a riding buddy is most cyclists are super fit, slim, and fast, and don't want some lardass holding them up! :)
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    If you've got a computer on your bike then take it off. It will only add to the frustration. I don't ride with a computer at all during winter. It just compounds the feeling of having terrible legs.

    Other things you could do: Set yourself a challenge (related to riding, not your weight) find new roads and routes. Ultimately the quickest way to get fit will be going out with the club and suffering on someone's wheel for a good few miles. Do they not cater for varying abilities?
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    When I met my cycling buddy on this forum last year I was super unfit and new to cycling. He was super fit and can still drop me any time he wants (although I'm pushing him a bit now). But he needed motivation as much as I needed a cycling buddy, so it was mutual benefit, he slows down for me but at least he was cycling, I try my hardest, learn new routes and get fitter. We both have a reason to get out every week and we both have a good chat.

    So ask any ye shall receive, well you might anyway.
  • mattshrops
    mattshrops Posts: 1,134
    You have to make YOURSELF the reason to get up and do it. Remember how good you felt when you were goimg well? Dont let that be a negative - make it work for you. Reach for that same feeling, its not going to drop in your lap- you've got to work, work and then work some more. Thats what makes any achievement feel so good- but on top of that try to enjoy the journey as well.Now no more messing about get back on track 8)

    #Far too american
    woo woo high five group hugs etc

    Interestingly you never said that you really liked contador "not in a gay way".... is there anything you'd like to talk about? :lol::lol:
    Death or Glory- Just another Story
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    I've seen about 3/4 roadies around my village but I've always been in the car, will have to chase after them next time and have a word.

    Yeah regarding cobtador, well I've finally come out of the closet now lads! ;)
  • byke68
    byke68 Posts: 1,070
    Soni wrote:
    I've seen about 3/4 roadies around my village but I've always been in the car, will have to chase after them next time and have a word.

    Yeah regarding cobtador, well I've finally come out of the closet now lads! ;)

    Yep, now that you've emerged from the closet, you can chase after them........ :lol:
    Cannondale Trail 6 - crap brakes!
    Cannondale CAAD8
  • BelgianBeerGeek
    BelgianBeerGeek Posts: 5,226
    Just get out and ride. Have fun. Riding a bike is not only the best way to get around, you will breathe, see things, take some time out from whatever you're supposed to be doing. Do all this, relax, and the other things can follow. Do some sightseeing, stop for a cuppa and a natter with another cyclist (I can guarantee there will be one), go home and sleep like a log. The TdF, time trial etc can wait.
    Don't beat yourself up. By just getting out there, you are already doing 99% more than the rest of the people you know. See you on the road!
    Ecrasez l’infame
  • nevman
    nevman Posts: 1,611
    I`m quite interested that you dont find other modern riders as apirational-you dont have to look too far down the Pro ranks to find modern heroes, from Mark Cavendish,who has to work twice as hard as most to get himself in the right position in every race he enters,to the legend that is Jens Voight,the modern hardman Jonny Hoogerland. you could go on and on to find a favourite for inspiration without raiding the past.Best advice I have seen is to join a club thats right for you-sounds like you will be a real asset to them.
    Whats the solution? Just pedal faster you baby.

    Summer B,man Team Carbon LE#222
    Winter Alan Top Cross
    All rounder Spec. Allez.