Gears Slipping

blue07794 Posts: 47
edited May 2012 in Workshop
Hi i have just returned from a ride which i had to cut short as for some reason my gears starting jumping for no reason and slipping quite badly once i put pressure on the pedals!
I nearly ended up with my wedding tackle displaced a few times! :shock:

Has anyone seen a video posted anywhere with a step by step guide to setting my gears up from scratch again.
The last time i did this i ended up taking it into the local bike shop to sort, so this time i would like to do it step by step with a video etc.
I am sure i have seen one but i just cant think were........can anyone help.

My bike.......if it makes any difference is a Trek 1.5



  • wishitwasallflat
    wishitwasallflat Posts: 2,927
    If this is the second time you've had this problem have you checked that your chain doesn't need replaced? If it does it will skip.
  • arthur_scrimshaw
    arthur_scrimshaw Posts: 2,596
    if it is wear and you've got to the point when it's slipping then the cassette is more than likely shot as well. do you have a chain wear measuring tool? good investment for £8 or so.
  • blue07794
    blue07794 Posts: 47
    The chain is fine, the bike is only a year old too.

    The first time the gears were acting up i got ploughed down by a car that cut me up and never stopped. It buckled the front wheel and misaligned the gears along with scrapes and scratches the b*****d! :evil:
  • father_jack
    father_jack Posts: 3,509

    chain wear
    cassette wear
    rear derailler alignment.
    Say... That's a nice bike..
    Trax T700 with Lew Racing Pro VT-1 ;-)
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    If the chain jumps from one cog to another under load it is likely to be an issue with the chain - assuming your gears are indexed correctly and shift nicely.

    Had a similar issue the other week after changing wheels (same casssette) and after assuming it was the wheel and strpping down the hub etc. found that one of the side plates on the chain was damaged and catching on the face plate of the rear mech, causing it to slip/jump gears.

    My chain was only 4 months old - age has nothing to do with reliability.

    If the gears change fine and the cassette is fitted correctly and has no play the chain is the most likely issue.
    Yellow is the new Black.