
geoffgomez Posts: 34
edited May 2012 in The bottom bracket
I've just realised that my Saturday afternoon is all mine; wife and eldest child already out, youngest off to grandparents in an hour or so. Now normally this would be an obvious time to hop on the bike for a few hours and it would be criminal to miss the chance; but it's also likely to be the only day I get to watch the Giro without anybody else in the house to ask daft questions and moan about the hogging of the television. What to do? :?


  • nweststeyn
    nweststeyn Posts: 1,574
    Go for a quick ride between 2 and 3, then back to watch the Giro coverage from 3 onwards... only miss half an hour and bit of both worlds.
  • geoffgomez
    geoffgomez Posts: 34
    I like that idea, depends what time the in-laws pick up my youngest, should be here any minute hopefully. Setting the TV recording box thingy (technical term, I know) now just in case.
  • verylonglegs
    verylonglegs Posts: 4,023
    As much as I like watching cycling I'd rather be out riding myself than watching a TT, every single time.
  • geoffgomez
    geoffgomez Posts: 34
    In the end I agree, better to ride. Just got back, TV and kettle on and feel entirely justified in attacking the biscuits, they're a recovery food right? Also riding today rather than tomorrow morning means that I won't feel too inadequate after watching the pros.
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    geoffgomez wrote:
    ... feel entirely justified in attacking the biscuits, they're a recovery food right?
    Custard creams yes, Bourbons no. For max muscle recovery though it has to be Jammy Dodgers.