Gutted, beyond belief.

kernel_gadaffi Posts: 121
edited May 2012 in Road beginners
Picked up my brand new, sparkling blue Felt Z100 yesterday, due to having too many things to do last night and today, I haven't been on it yet, it's not going to get used for the near future either, a visit to the doctors today has caused a total stop to any fun for me for a while, my blood pressure is too high and too dangerous for me to exert in any way, shape or form until it's under control, so, starting tomorrow, I'll be taking Bendroflumethiazide and Lisinopril get rid of water and lower my blood pressure, I can keep taking Tramadol and Paracetamol for pain, Citalopram for my depression, Omeprazole for reflux and I have to stop taking the Naproxen for the arthritis as it's partly to blame for the raised blood pressure, can't win, even horizontal jogging has been forbidden :(:(:(
Cube Peloton Pro.
Genesis Core 30.


  • rubertoe
    rubertoe Posts: 3,994
    do you rattle? that's a lot of pills. :shock:

    shame about the bike though. :cry:
    "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."

    PX Kaffenback 2 = Work Horse
    B-Twin Alur 700 = Sundays and Hills
  • leshere
    leshere Posts: 38
    edited May 2012
    Well as someone who has to remember to take his BP medication daily I can say that it does work...sometimes too well. I have to take my BP regularly since walking and cycling activity can reduce my BP and we have to twiddle the meds. Obviously you should not cycle if your docotr advises against it for the moment but in the long term it will improve your BP
    Cycling Daddy
  • MountainMonster
    MountainMonster Posts: 7,423
    Mate, that is seriously sad to hear! Hope your back up and running quickly, I go through periods of not riding mainly due to laziness, but I couldn't imagine what it is like when their forced pauses.
  • Kingy911
    Kingy911 Posts: 134
    How much do u want for the second hand bike then ;-)
  • How much do u want for the second hand bike then :wink:

    You bugger, It's not secondhand yet :(:cry:
    Cube Peloton Pro.
    Genesis Core 30.
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Picked up my brand new, sparkling blue Felt Z100 yesterday, due to having too many things to do last night and today, I haven't been on it yet, it's not going to get used for the near future either, a visit to the doctors today has caused a total stop to any fun for me for a while, my blood pressure is too high and too dangerous for me to exert in any way, shape or form until it's under control, so, starting tomorrow, I'll be taking Bendroflumethiazide and Lisinopril get rid of water and lower my blood pressure, I can keep taking Tramadol and Paracetamol for pain, Citalopram for my depression, Omeprazole for reflux and I have to stop taking the Naproxen for the arthritis as it's partly to blame for the raised blood pressure, can't win, even horizontal jogging has been forbidden :(:(:(

    This is a genuine question, how do you get into this state of health?
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    Picked up my brand new, sparkling blue Felt Z100 yesterday, due to having too many things to do last night and today, I haven't been on it yet, it's not going to get used for the near future either, a visit to the doctors today has caused a total stop to any fun for me for a while, my blood pressure is too high and too dangerous for me to exert in any way, shape or form until it's under control, so, starting tomorrow, I'll be taking Bendroflumethiazide and Lisinopril get rid of water and lower my blood pressure, I can keep taking Tramadol and Paracetamol for pain, Citalopram for my depression, Omeprazole for reflux and I have to stop taking the Naproxen for the arthritis as it's partly to blame for the raised blood pressure, can't win, even horizontal jogging has been forbidden :(:(:(

    Apologies if this is a bit personal, but what is your blood pressure?
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • My answer to "how did I get into this state of health" is, I had a motorbike accident in 1986 which resulted in the removal of the lower half of my right leg, several months later after being fitted with prosthetic leg, I got back to cycling but rather carefully and slowly, very soon I was back to being like a bull in a china shop and caused many blisters and sores to the stump and problems for those in the hospial limb centre who looked after me, several years and many legs later, my mate bought an MTB and used SPDs, this was new to me, so in 1992 I got one, a Marin Palisade Trail and a pair of Nike Poobahs, the low gearing was great and being fastened into the pedals was a must, this bike was worn out in a year and replaced with another Marin, not long after, I got back into work, the problem was, I was working from 7am to 6pm and then had an hours travel each way, so standards slipped, in 2008, I had a fall at work, I damaged the tendons and ligaments in the facet joints and sacral iliac in the right hand side of my back, and I was unable to wear my false leg for several months, any condition I had went out of the window, as well as the this problem, I found out that I'd developed my mothers condition, arthritis, so that was a bit more I had to deal with, since 2008, I've not worked and have not been able to find a job, as the one I worked for went to the wall, given my current condition, no one will take me on even though I've retrained to a decent qualification in IT, after several years of mixing and matching medications, I finally got to a point where I could function, but the meds I'm taking are part of the cause of my BP, over the last two weeks it's been tested 5 times, the lowest reading was 169/113, not good, it doesn't help that I'm 16 stone, so, my excitement of being able to get back to my favourite activity (apart from the laying down Lambada) has been curtailed somewhat. Grump, grump, grump.
    Cube Peloton Pro.
    Genesis Core 30.
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    My answer to "how did I get into this state of health" is, I had a motorbike accident in 1986 which resulted in the removal of the lower half of my right leg, several months later after being fitted with prosthetic leg, I got back to cycling but rather carefully and slowly, very soon I was back to being like a bull in a china shop and caused many blisters and sores to the stump and problems for those in the hospial limb centre who looked after me, several years and many legs later, my mate bought an MTB and used SPDs, this was new to me, so in 1992 I got one, a Marin Palisade Trail and a pair of Nike Poobahs, the low gearing was great and being fastened into the pedals was a must, this bike was worn out in a year and replaced with another Marin, not long after, I got back into work, the problem was, I was working from 7am to 6pm and then had an hours travel each way, so standards slipped, in 2008, I had a fall at work, I damaged the tendons and ligaments in the facet joints and sacral iliac in the right hand side of my back, and I was unable to wear my false leg for several months, any condition I had went out of the window, as well as the this problem, I found out that I'd developed my mothers condition, arthritis, so that was a bit more I had to deal with, since 2008, I've not worked and have not been able to find a job, as the one I worked for went to the wall, given my current condition, no one will take me on even though I've retrained to a decent qualification in IT, after several years of mixing and matching medications, I finally got to a point where I could function, but the meds I'm taking are part of the cause of my BP, over the last two weeks it's been tested 5 times, the lowest reading was 169/113, not good, it doesn't help that I'm 16 stone, so, my excitement of being able to get back to my favourite activity (apart from the laying down Lambada) has been curtailed somewhat. Grump, grump, grump.

    You've had some rotton luck, but let's hope it turns for you. As many many people posting here can vouch (me included), cycling is a great medicine.
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Peddle Up! wrote:
    My answer to "how did I get into this state of health" is, I had a motorbike accident in 1986 which resulted in the removal of the lower half of my right leg, several months later after being fitted with prosthetic leg, I got back to cycling but rather carefully and slowly, very soon I was back to being like a bull in a china shop and caused many blisters and sores to the stump and problems for those in the hospial limb centre who looked after me, several years and many legs later, my mate bought an MTB and used SPDs, this was new to me, so in 1992 I got one, a Marin Palisade Trail and a pair of Nike Poobahs, the low gearing was great and being fastened into the pedals was a must, this bike was worn out in a year and replaced with another Marin, not long after, I got back into work, the problem was, I was working from 7am to 6pm and then had an hours travel each way, so standards slipped, in 2008, I had a fall at work, I damaged the tendons and ligaments in the facet joints and sacral iliac in the right hand side of my back, and I was unable to wear my false leg for several months, any condition I had went out of the window, as well as the this problem, I found out that I'd developed my mothers condition, arthritis, so that was a bit more I had to deal with, since 2008, I've not worked and have not been able to find a job, as the one I worked for went to the wall, given my current condition, no one will take me on even though I've retrained to a decent qualification in IT, after several years of mixing and matching medications, I finally got to a point where I could function, but the meds I'm taking are part of the cause of my BP, over the last two weeks it's been tested 5 times, the lowest reading was 169/113, not good, it doesn't help that I'm 16 stone, so, my excitement of being able to get back to my favourite activity (apart from the laying down Lambada) has been curtailed somewhat. Grump, grump, grump.

    You've had some rotton luck, but let's hope it turns for you. As many many people posting here can vouch (me included), cycling is a great medicine.

    Ditto Peddle Ups comments, you face some huge challenges....good luck
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    kernel gadaffi, I hope that your health improves and that you can get back to doing all the things you enjoy. All the best.
  • Thanks for the messages, it is a pain at the moment, but when I'm fine, I'm fine and very rarely down, if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck! I'm just pleased there are pickpockets or I wouldn't have a sex life.
    Started on the new meds this morning, so fingers crossed they start working quickly and I can get up to some mischief of some kind, hopefully. I told my other half the we couldn't have sex because it was Lent, her being blonde she said to me, "oh, to whom and for how long?"
    Cube Peloton Pro.
    Genesis Core 30.
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    Life can be a bitch, especially when your health stops you from doing the things you enjoy and stops you feeling like you're achieving your goals. Just remember that there are people who love and support you and that every challenge we face makes us stronger. I wish you all the best.

    Edit: Why does the swear filter asterisk out the name for a female dog?