Lincoln Gran Prix

EX DH Posts: 194
Can any one tell me if there are any feed stations on route? All i can seem to find is that you get a free gel and drink at sign in but no word of anything else. Only asking so i know what i need to take with me.

Ta :D


  • arlowood
    arlowood Posts: 2,561
    Hi Ex DH

    if you are already registered you will have received an email today with details of the route modification and also the locations of the feedstations. The mods have added some length to all routes (about 10miles on the short route - however it does turn the short route into a 100Km for what it's worth.)

    There is 1 on the 64 mile route and 2 for the longer routes so you should be able to fuel up OK without carrying a jerseyful of gels and bars
  • arlowood
    arlowood Posts: 2,561
    Thought I'd bump this to offer a vote of thanks on two fronts.

    Firstly to the organisers for a great days cycling yesterday. The weather played its part also when I think back to the awful conditions 2 weeks ago at the Rutland CICLE. Must have been close to 800 participants and all went smoothly at sign on and at the feedstation - I only did the 63m (100K) route but the feedstation on my route was common to all three routes being ridden.

    The route wasn't too challenging apart from the final kicker with the climb of the cobbled Michaelgate in the centre of Lincoln itself. Not quite the Koppenberg but bad enough with a lot of miles in your legs.

    My second vote of thanks goes to the unknown cyclist who retrieved my mobile phone. I had a rear wheel puncture about 2/3rds of the way round. Had just got going a gain after that when the route turned on to one of the narrow single track lanes. In the act of moving over out of the way of an oncoming car i couldn't avoid a massive pothole which jarred everything on me and the bike. Also gave me another rear wheel puncture - GRRRRRR!

    As I was repairing that a guy stopped and said he'd found a mobile phone in the road which turned out to be mine - it had been catapulted out of my tri-bag when I hit the pothole. Didn't have the presence of mind to note his number but if he reads this post I am extremely grateful to him.
  • alanp23
    alanp23 Posts: 696
    Ditto. I did the long route and it was a great day out - a little lumpier than I expected Lincolnshire to be though, but not complaining.

    The highlight was definitely going up Michaelgate with all the people clapping and cheering. Very very motivating.
    Top Ten finisher - PTP Tour of Britain 2016
  • bjl
    bjl Posts: 353
    Does anyone know if it had any times for gold/silver bronze awards, i got round in 6 hr 16 min by the chip times which included feed stops etc.
  • EX DH
    EX DH Posts: 194
    I think it was just a rock up and ride. If you have a look on the sientries site the full result sheet is up. Photos went up yesterday too on

    Good day out for me, suffered a bit between 80-90 miles but the end was good with the public cheering you on. Deffo wasnt expecting it to be as lumpy as it was tho! Got a good gurn going on up one climb.