Benefits culture



  • Nico Adie wrote:
    What a load of tosh these slavery remarks are.

    Apart from those who are physically or mentally unable to work (and I have no problem with society providing care for anyone in this situation) why does anyone have the right to be a net drain on the country.

    I have to work to get live and get the things that I want so why shouldn't someone on benefits do the same. [Seriously, just why should they get something for nothing?

    I hear the argument that we need to change some sectors of societies ways of thinking to improve their lot. Well how about changing their thinking to 'here you go, do something for the community and the community will give you something back'. Now that's a really good lesson to learn.

    And this is not a downer on anyone who has grafted all their life and is down on their luck about whom we always hear in these threads but it is aimed at the bone idle sods who spend their whole lives doing naff all at the expense of others.

    Presumably you insist on paying for treatment you receive on the NHS then? After all you get it for nothing, just like they get their benefits for nothing. They pay taxes too, VAT remember?

    From what you've described, you think benefits should be treated as a reward. That's missing the point entirely. Benefits are there, for everyone who needs them. Fair play to anyone who's happy to sit around all day with virtually no money or tangible possessions, I personally couldn't imagine a worse way to live my life in this country.

    The crux of my argument is that benefit claimants cost the country much, much, much less than tax evasion/avoidance by multinationals and the super rich. I can't understand why more people don't direct their ire at them instead of benefit cheats. I suppose some people just like to pick on the easy target, which is understandable. Maybe they feel better about themselves for doing it.

    Ah, but the VAT they pay is from money that they are given. They're not really paying it you know - they never toiled for it. Whereas I do.