Ultegra 6600 Shifter Compatibility with 5700 Front Derailleu
My general understanding was that the new 105 5700/Ultegra 6700 group parts were compatible with the older 10 Speed groups like the Ultegra 6600. I got my bike back from my LBS yesterday after some work and the FD additionally needed replacing so they tried a 105 5700 FD but couldn't getting it shifting satisfactorily so ended up using a Tiagra 4500 FD. They said there could be an issue with my LH shifter as it didn't have the trim click, although honestly I don't recall this being an issue.
Is there incompatibility between the newer generation parts and the older or at least certain elements of the group (I know sometimes this can be the case with shifters due to the change in reach)? Otherwise if a 5700 FD should work I guess there are possibly issues elsewhere.
Is there incompatibility between the newer generation parts and the older or at least certain elements of the group (I know sometimes this can be the case with shifters due to the change in reach)? Otherwise if a 5700 FD should work I guess there are possibly issues elsewhere.