what sized frame?

Fatamorgana Posts: 257
edited April 2012 in Road beginners
I am 5ft 11
31 inside leg in trews
Am I correct in thinking I should be looking at a 56 frame typically? It'll be an eBay Special I guess as funds are tight.
On the mtn bikes I am a L typically.

Having some issues with a leg injury and the mtn biking makes worse and based in a small village in rural N Herts I think I should try some road work for a change which doen't affect my leg (thus far ). Lots of road bikes 'round these parts on any given Sunday, so why not join in?



  • singleton
    singleton Posts: 2,523
    It will depend on various things, such as frame geometry - but I'm a similar size and ride a 56cm frame.
  • Simmotino
    Simmotino Posts: 295
    Singleton wrote:
    It will depend on various things, such as frame geometry - but I'm a similar size and ride a 56cm frame.

    This ^^^

    I'm about the same height but ride a 54 (could equally ride a 56 apparently) so it's down to the bike in question.

    'arris on a saddle will be the best way to know for sure :wink:
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    Remember that, in general, it's easier to make a slightly small frame fit than one that's too large.
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  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    As the others have said, different makes have different geometry which means you can't give a blanket figure. For example my brother went in to buy a "56" last week, because he is the same height as you. The 56 Trek was fine, but the Pinarello that fit him was a 53.

    You should not buy a bike without at least sitting on it on a turbo for 20 minutes. Even better, test ride it for a few hours.