Chesty dry cough

GSJ Posts: 150
edited April 2012 in Road beginners
Hey guys, for about a week now I've had a chesty type cough, although I'm not sure if it's a dry cough/mucus, seems abit of both at times.
I got this cough after my bike ride on the weekend (last week) and hasn't gone yet! how long does it normally last? is it AIE? what does AIE feel like? If it is exercise related, would it have gone by now?


  • andrewjoseph
    andrewjoseph Posts: 2,165
    Do you mean EIA (exercise induced asthma)? ;-)

    I had this when i first started riding and pushing hard. I am now getting asthma symptoms a lot of the time. Feels like you are trying to get ride of a plug of mucus mid chest.

    I take regular inhalers and always take mine with me (though sometimes forget).

    go and see your GP, a few little tests blowing into a tube to see your peak flow can help diagnose.

    Healthy male can blow something like 600 to 700, I blow something like 570 on a good day.
    Burls Ti Tourer for Tarmac, Saracen aluminium full suss for trails
  • GSJ
    GSJ Posts: 150
    Yeah EIA :P Well, I done around 18miles on friday, then another 18 on sunday which is when I got my cough, prior to that I hadn't been riding.
    Although I have been doing weight training for over a year, and have never had this problem?
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    Around here, there's an annoying, contagious cough/cold doing the rounds. Starts of as a cough like you described (had it for about a week) ; then a couple of days wiped out with flu-like symptoms (fever, exhausted etc); then a couple more weeks to shift the cough. Seems to go on forever. Lots of folks going down with it.
  • GSJ
    GSJ Posts: 150
    I have one more question, this is being medically checked but I'll post here anyways. I am 20 years old with high blood pressure, currently on meds very very low dose, 2.5mg which is half a minimum tablet.
    Since last week I been checking my heart rate after exercise, which goes down but only to about 90 and stays at around 90 for a very long time, probably 6/7hours. I don't know how long this has been going on for but I only realised it after my two rides, and weight training yesterday. Normally my resting heart rate is 60. I do also suffer from anxiety and stress due to university exams. I know 90 heart rate after exercise isn't normal, but how abnormal is it? any help would be greatly appreciated. (I do have echo/MRI and an exercise stress test coming up in the next couple of months)
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    Sorry - no idea. I expect a doc would be the best person to ask.

    They seem to know a lot about heart rate etc. on the 'training' forum but be a bit careful with medical advice from a web forum!
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    g00se wrote:
    Around here, there's an annoying, contagious cough/cold doing the rounds. Starts of as a cough like you described (had it for about a week) ; then a couple of days wiped out with flu-like symptoms (fever, exhausted etc); then a couple more weeks to shift the cough. Seems to go on forever. Lots of folks going down with it.

    Just getting over this. Nasty little bug.
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • GSJ
    GSJ Posts: 150
    Peddle Up! wrote:
    g00se wrote:
    Around here, there's an annoying, contagious cough/cold doing the rounds. Starts of as a cough like you described (had it for about a week) ; then a couple of days wiped out with flu-like symptoms (fever, exhausted etc); then a couple more weeks to shift the cough. Seems to go on forever. Lots of folks going down with it.

    Just getting over this. Nasty little bug.

    I don't have a fever or anything, just a cough which seems to come and go throughout the day.
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    GSJ wrote:
    Peddle Up! wrote:
    g00se wrote:
    Around here, there's an annoying, contagious cough/cold doing the rounds. Starts of as a cough like you described (had it for about a week) ; then a couple of days wiped out with flu-like symptoms (fever, exhausted etc); then a couple more weeks to shift the cough. Seems to go on forever. Lots of folks going down with it.

    Just getting over this. Nasty little bug.

    I don't have a fever or anything, just a cough which seems to come and go throughout the day.

    That's how it started with me and a few friends. Thought it was just an annoying little cough but then got the full symptoms a week later.
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    g00se wrote:
    GSJ wrote:
    Peddle Up! wrote:
    g00se wrote:
    Around here, there's an annoying, contagious cough/cold doing the rounds. Starts of as a cough like you described (had it for about a week) ; then a couple of days wiped out with flu-like symptoms (fever, exhausted etc); then a couple more weeks to shift the cough. Seems to go on forever. Lots of folks going down with it.

    Just getting over this. Nasty little bug.

    I don't have a fever or anything, just a cough which seems to come and go throughout the day.

    That's how it started with me and a few friends. Thought it was just an annoying little cough but then got the full symptoms a week later.

    That's mine exactly. Tickly little cough then feeling "like a cold's coming on" with tiredness for three days. Still coughing now and again but back to full fitness otherwise.
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • Ringo 68
    Ringo 68 Posts: 441
    I had something similar last month which just wouldn't go away. I couldn't even ride half a mile before feeling out of breath, which is bad, even for me.
    Turns out I had Post Nasal Drip and after a few days of taking a nasal spray things started to improve.
    Cube Agree GTC Pro
    Boardman Comp
    Carrera Subway Hybrid
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    Ringo 68 wrote:
    I had something similar last month which just wouldn't go away. I couldn't even ride half a mile before feeling out of breath, which is bad, even for me.
    Turns out I had Post Nasal Drip and after a few days of taking a nasal spray things started to improve.

    I had post-nasal drip a few years back, but it cleared up as the weather got warmer. Just in case - was your spray an over-the-counter product, or from your sawbones?
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    Peddle Up! wrote:
    g00se wrote:
    GSJ wrote:
    Peddle Up! wrote:
    g00se wrote:
    Around here, there's an annoying, contagious cough/cold doing the rounds. Starts of as a cough like you described (had it for about a week) ; then a couple of days wiped out with flu-like symptoms (fever, exhausted etc); then a couple more weeks to shift the cough. Seems to go on forever. Lots of folks going down with it.

    Just getting over this. Nasty little bug.

    I don't have a fever or anything, just a cough which seems to come and go throughout the day.

    That's how it started with me and a few friends. Thought it was just an annoying little cough but then got the full symptoms a week later.

    That's mine exactly. Tickly little cough then feeling "like a cold's coming on" with tiredness for three days. Still coughing now and again but back to full fitness otherwise.

    +1 think I've got that too... the cough is really starting to annoy me though.. wasn't too much fun playing squash yesterday -> and I definitely won't be going out on the bike this week because i get a cough/wheeze when its cold anyway (maybe its exercise induced asthma?) :x

    Took my brother ~a month to shake it off completely -> really annoying because he kept whining about the cough!
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    Peddle Up! wrote:
    g00se wrote:
    Around here, there's an annoying, contagious cough/cold doing the rounds. Starts of as a cough like you described (had it for about a week) ; then a couple of days wiped out with flu-like symptoms (fever, exhausted etc); then a couple more weeks to shift the cough. Seems to go on forever. Lots of folks going down with it.

    Just getting over this. Nasty little bug.

    I wrote too soon! :( I've started barking and sniffling again today. Even the bugs are double-dip these days. :(
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • Ringo 68
    Ringo 68 Posts: 441
    Peddle Up! wrote:
    Ringo 68 wrote:
    I had something similar last month which just wouldn't go away. I couldn't even ride half a mile before feeling out of breath, which is bad, even for me.
    Turns out I had Post Nasal Drip and after a few days of taking a nasal spray things started to improve.

    I had post-nasal drip a few years back, but it cleared up as the weather got warmer. Just in case - was your spray an over-the-counter product, or from your sawbones?

    I was advised by a friend who had PND a while back to try Pirinase which is available over the counter. Worked a treat for me, the tickly cough and the feeling of phlegm at the back of the throat which had lasted over a month cleared up in about 5 days.
    Cube Agree GTC Pro
    Boardman Comp
    Carrera Subway Hybrid
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    Ringo 68 wrote:
    Peddle Up! wrote:
    Ringo 68 wrote:
    I had something similar last month which just wouldn't go away. I couldn't even ride half a mile before feeling out of breath, which is bad, even for me.
    Turns out I had Post Nasal Drip and after a few days of taking a nasal spray things started to improve.

    I had post-nasal drip a few years back, but it cleared up as the weather got warmer. Just in case - was your spray an over-the-counter product, or from your sawbones?

    I was advised by a friend who had PND a while back to try Pirinase which is available over the counter. Worked a treat for me, the tickly cough and the feeling of phlegm at the back of the throat which had lasted over a month cleared up in about 5 days.

    OK, thanks.
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • gasman_dave
    gasman_dave Posts: 129
    GSJ, I think this sounds more like a viral chest infection. EIA is usually asthma which comes on at the time of intense exercise - all the inflammatory stuff thrown up by pushing really hard causes wheeze. Very common in athletes. If you are breathless or wheezy for a few days after a ride, it is less likely to be EIA, but might be the first presentation of infection-induced asthma, if that makes any sense.

    There is also the theory that cold air inhaled through the mouth, rather than the nose, causes a direct action on the lungs, but this goes against the possible asthmatic getting wheezy in very warm, humid air. Whatever the cause, EIA produces wheeze while exercising and goes away with rest.

    You may still get relief from asthma medication, so go and see your doctor who can easily check your peak flow.

    Anaesthetics and ITU is my game, but we see a lot of chest problems. If you are persistently wheezy, the likely thing is a chest infection but go and get checked out.
