Internal cable routing...

greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
edited May 2012 in The bottom bracket stupid! That is all.


  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,098
    I find that my defibrulator cable to the power pack/dynamo works best when its not snarled up in the handlebars/chainset.
    Though I wish that I could find a solution for the incontinence bag...
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661 stupid! That is all.

    Having a bad time in the garage?
  • Having a bad time in the garage?

    Garage? Pftt! Living room!
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Having a bad time in the garage?

    Garage? Pftt! Living room!

    Ha. Nice to see you got your priorities straight.

    For what it's worth, I've started fiddling about with my saddle on the SS. I've now got it so my arse won't move anymore, and I raised it a little too since it felt a fraction too low.

    Not sure if it's not now a fraction too high. If I keep it I'll have to raise my handlebars a bit, since I had them on the cusp of being too low before I raised it.
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    Love it. Bought bikes specifically to get internal cables.

    What's not to like. Clean lines and a chance to go fishing every time you need to change a cable.

    There's a knack to it...

    ...get a patient person (a woman) to do it for you :D
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • Ha. Nice to see you got your priorities straight.

    Err, I don't have a garage. But even if I did, I'd be in the living room anyway. Unless I had a garage with a TV! :D
    For what it's worth, I've started fiddling about with my saddle on the SS. I've now got it so my ars* won't move anymore, and I raised it a little too since it felt a fraction too low.

    Not sure if it's not now a fraction too high. If I keep it I'll have to raise my handlebars a bit, since I had them on the cusp of being too low before I raised it.

    Have you not gone for one of those overpriced pro bike thingys? That would solve all your saddle/handlebars woes in a jiffy!
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Ha. Nice to see you got your priorities straight.

    Err, I don't have a garage. But even if I did, I'd be in the living room anyway. Unless I had a garage with a TV! :D
    For what it's worth, I've started fiddling about with my saddle on the SS. I've now got it so my ars* won't move anymore, and I raised it a little too since it felt a fraction too low.

    Not sure if it's not now a fraction too high. If I keep it I'll have to raise my handlebars a bit, since I had them on the cusp of being too low before I raised it.

    Have you not gone for one of those overpriced pro bike thingys? That would solve all your saddle/handlebars woes in a jiffy!

    As a scotsman, I'm sure you'll understand - I'm a cheapskate.

    Find it difficult to justify spending something that's more than half what I paid for said bike (nearest place that's worth it is £200...!)

    Also - my flexibility and lower back strength ebbs and flows, which seems to be the biggest factor in it all.

    Anyway, fiddling with my saddle and handlebars makes me feel like eddy merckx.
  • As a scotsman, I'm sure you'll understand - I'm a cheapskate.

    Find it difficult to justify spending something that's more than half what I paid for said bike (nearest place that's worth it is £200...!)

    Also - my flexibility and lower back strength ebbs and flows, which seems to be the biggest factor in it all.

    Anyway, fiddling with my saddle and handlebars makes me feel like eddy merckx.

    But you have more than one bike, right? Don't you spread the bike fit across the fleet? My latest bike with the stupid cable routing is setup to the bike fit I had done 10(ish) years ago when they didn't cost £200. :D

    Oh and I'm not Scottish! :shock:
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    Sort of topic related,I prefered Shimano when the cables were exposed in front of the bars rather than hidden under the tape Campag style.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    As a scotsman, I'm sure you'll understand - I'm a cheapskate.

    Find it difficult to justify spending something that's more than half what I paid for said bike (nearest place that's worth it is £200...!)

    Also - my flexibility and lower back strength ebbs and flows, which seems to be the biggest factor in it all.

    Anyway, fiddling with my saddle and handlebars makes me feel like eddy merckx.

    But you have more than one bike, right? Don't you spread the bike fit across the fleet? My latest bike with the stupid cable routing is setup to the bike fit I had done 10(ish) years ago when they didn't cost £200. :D

    Oh and I'm not Scottish! :shock:

    Haha. Ah well.

    I think you just get given a bunch of measurements from those fits - but given the different frame sizes / stem lengths etc, plus my lack of any measuring device, I'd imagine it'd be pretty pointless.

    I think they're a little overrated anyway (having never tried them) a little experimentation goes a long way.
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    No its not stupid, it's a very good way of installing cables on a bike. As others have said, it's a knack.
  • giant man wrote:
    No its not stupid, it's a very good way of installing cables on a bike. As others have said, it's a knack.

    Cool, what time will you be round to sort it all out then? I'll have to warn you, I keep changing my mind on how to route the cables around the bars, so you might have to do it a few times.

    And you are right, it's not stupid, it's like Pro Bike Fits, it's fashion! :wink:
  • team47b wrote:
    ...get a patient person (a woman) to do it for you :D

    Why didn't I think of that? OK, don't worry about it Giant Man, Vicky is gonna be round later with her spanners!

  • cgcrute
    cgcrute Posts: 11
    I went through this trauma last night... after 20mins of swearing I hatched a hair-brained plan - and it worked! This may be common knowledge but I couldn't find any advice on the net other than 'it's an art', or 'patience'. I'm not artistic and have no patience!!!

    What did was got some cotton and the hoover. Cupped my hand over the 'exit' hole whilst holding the hoover and fed the cotton in the 'entrance' hole. 10 seconds later I had a length of cotton through. Tied it to the cable and pulled it through. It missed 1st time but 2 seconds later was through!!! I'm not ashamed to say I did a little dance!

    For this to work you need to make sure your frame is reasonably sealed (ie the seat post is in or the tube taped off and you also need to feed the cable as much as you pull it to make sure the cotton doesn't slip off!

    Of course if you are re-cabling pulling the cotton through on the end of the old cable as you remove it would be simpler, but I didn't realise it would be such a pain!!!
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    giant man wrote:
    No its not stupid, it's a very good way of installing cables on a bike. As others have said, it's a knack.

    Cool, what time will you be round to sort it all out then? I'll have to warn you, I keep changing my mind on how to route the cables around the bars, so you might have to do it a few times.

    And you are right, it's not stupid, it's like Pro Bike Fits, it's fashion! :wink:
    No do it yourself you lazy sod, you might learn something :wink: actually Vicky said she couldn't make it, apparently she's a bit busy at the moment :roll:
  • andi1363
    andi1363 Posts: 350
    I fucking hate internal cables. Got em on my Cube HPA. The indexing on my Shitmano ultegra 10 goes out of adjustment about every couple of months and the only way to restore anything like acceptable performance is to replace the whole lot. Tried changing just the end bit of housing and the inner but that only gets me another week or 2. Everyone I know says Ultegra is brilliant sp don't know why I have so much agro. This is my first and last time on road Shimano. Don't last 5 minutes!
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    giant man wrote:
    giant man wrote:
    No its not stupid, it's a very good way of installing cables on a bike. As others have said, it's a knack.

    Cool, what time will you be round to sort it all out then? I'll have to warn you, I keep changing my mind on how to route the cables around the bars, so you might have to do it a few times.

    And you are right, it's not stupid, it's like Pro Bike Fits, it's fashion! :wink:
    No do it yourself you lazy sod, you might learn something :wink: actually Vicky said she couldn't make it, apparently she's a bit busy at the moment :roll:

    I have done it. Bike posted in the "Your Road Bikes" section. :D
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,098
    andi1363 wrote:
    I ******* hate internal cables. Got em on my Cube HPA. The indexing on my Shitmano ultegra 10 goes out of adjustment about every couple of months and the only way to restore anything like acceptable performance is to replace the whole lot. Tried changing just the end bit of housing and the inner but that only gets me another week or 2. Everyone I know says Ultegra is brilliant sp don't know why I have so much agro. This is my first and last time on road Shimano. Don't last 5 minutes!

    Go on - you can do it. Buy yerself a Campag gruppo. You only live once and it will last 20 years, so on the longrun, you will be better off.

    Personally speaking, the pre-stretching of Campag cables is much much better than Shimano and you never get that problem.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • mattshrops
    mattshrops Posts: 1,134
    One tip i've been told is to use a magnet to pull the cable into position so you can hook it out.

    Dont know if it works cos specialized = lined internal routing , just push it thro. result
    Death or Glory- Just another Story
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040 stupid! That is all.


    Internal cable routing is like making love to a beautiful woman.
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    Peddle Up! wrote:
    Internal cable routing is like making love to a beautiful woman.

    What, you mean I should have got the guy in the bike shop to do it for me?
  • nweststeyn
    nweststeyn Posts: 1,574
    Peddle Up! wrote:
    Internal cable routing is like making love to a beautiful woman.

    What, you mean I should have got the guy in the bike shop to do it for me?

    Is he a promiscuous lovemaker?