Reverb and Saris bike beam.....

daisbuys Posts: 167
edited April 2012 in MTB general
Hi guys

I carry my bike using a saris bike beam on my saris bones carrier, and am looking into getting a reverb.

My concern though is that the bike beam hooks around the seatpost and carries the weight of the bike from the underside of the seat.

Will this be an issue when the reverb is installed? As it would be literally pulling at the seatpost!

Hope it's OK or I could be one of the guinea pigs for the kronolog......


  • milko9000
    milko9000 Posts: 533
    You would do the same as if using a workstand: drop the seat (so you don't run out of cable for the next bit), loosen the quick release and pull the 'main' post out of the frame enough to clamp on, then close the QR again. Never clamp on the inner/upper part of the Reverb post, and make sure not to clamp the hydraulic cable in there too.
  • daisbuys
    daisbuys Posts: 167
    Cheers for the input, sound advice for when I use a workstand!

    But the Saris bike beam doesn't clamp onto the post. Its basically like a claw which closes itself loosely around the post and it's the undercarriage of the seat which takes the weight of the bike once it's resting on the rack...if you know what I mean?

  • daisbuys
    daisbuys Posts: 167
    I have purchased a Kronolog now as watching the videos it looks like it can take the weight of the post being pulled up by the seat?
  • milko9000
    milko9000 Posts: 533
    Oh I see. Well I think the reverb would be ok with that, but never tried it. Enjoy the chronolog!