House of Kolor Orange

Posts: 64
Hello, I am new to the site and thought you might be interested in my new build.
Recently had my Orange AirO stolen which really sucked.
So i decided to build something new, I wanted to build something special and light for xc.
I have always liked Orange bikes so thought id stick to that.
A good search on ebay found me a Orange Evo2,

I wasn't keen on the colour so the nitro mors was out and the lacquer had to go, ready for some paint.

I have no time for V brakes so got the grinder out

Now the best paint in the world is Jon Kosmoski's House of Kolor, so that was the only way i could go, and as i was building an Orange, the House of Kolor Molly Orange seemed like the right choice.
So it was time for primer.

The primer revealed some lacquer that i had missed so had to get back to work with it.
After more prep it was to the paint shop for a new layer of primer and some Molly Orange.

When the paint went on i thought to myself why the hell is it red, but when out in natural light the orange was revealed.
So with a base coat on, next up was time for some decals.

With them on it was back to the paint shop for some lacquer.


So the frame is painted and i am now loving it and can't wait to get on it.
have got some parts ready to go on it.
Found a bargain on ebay with these basically new 100mm Rock Shox SID Team forks.

Being from Britain i do love using some home grown parts so Hope is the brand for me. with there stuff being amazing was a no brainer.
Got the headset

And some race x2s

More parts on the way and the bike is hung up in the paint shop right now hardening off.
so some better pics will be taken of the frame and i will update as i go along.
hope you enjoy
P.S. My mate who sprayed the frame for me is thinking of spraying frames in house of kolor. send me a message if your interested in a HOK paint job for your bike.
Recently had my Orange AirO stolen which really sucked.
So i decided to build something new, I wanted to build something special and light for xc.
I have always liked Orange bikes so thought id stick to that.
A good search on ebay found me a Orange Evo2,

I wasn't keen on the colour so the nitro mors was out and the lacquer had to go, ready for some paint.

I have no time for V brakes so got the grinder out

Now the best paint in the world is Jon Kosmoski's House of Kolor, so that was the only way i could go, and as i was building an Orange, the House of Kolor Molly Orange seemed like the right choice.
So it was time for primer.

The primer revealed some lacquer that i had missed so had to get back to work with it.
After more prep it was to the paint shop for a new layer of primer and some Molly Orange.

When the paint went on i thought to myself why the hell is it red, but when out in natural light the orange was revealed.
So with a base coat on, next up was time for some decals.

With them on it was back to the paint shop for some lacquer.


So the frame is painted and i am now loving it and can't wait to get on it.
have got some parts ready to go on it.
Found a bargain on ebay with these basically new 100mm Rock Shox SID Team forks.

Being from Britain i do love using some home grown parts so Hope is the brand for me. with there stuff being amazing was a no brainer.
Got the headset

And some race x2s

More parts on the way and the bike is hung up in the paint shop right now hardening off.
so some better pics will be taken of the frame and i will update as i go along.
hope you enjoy
P.S. My mate who sprayed the frame for me is thinking of spraying frames in house of kolor. send me a message if your interested in a HOK paint job for your bike.
this build looks really cool, looking forward to seeing the end result!0
That looks like a pro paint job.
Good work so far,looking forawrd to seeing how this one progresses.2006 Giant XTC
2010 Giant Defy Advanced
2016 Boardman Pro 29er
2016 Pinnacle Lithium 4
2017 Canondale Supersix Evo0 -
That colour really is awesome! Look forward to seeing the finished bike.0
o o that orange is a yummy colour.
Matching fork too. This looks like a great build in the making.
Thats gonna look mint! Cant wait to see it finished.Orange 5 AM
On-One Carbon 4560 -
Did a similar thing with my old, old, very old, Patriot last year. Although it now needs some updates (fork and perhaps shock). God Bless Orange. Absolute beauties.
Sure this will look great.Up: Wilier Mortirolo
Down: Orange Patriot0 -
ConanG1989 wrote:I have no time for V brakes so got the grinder out
Excellent!0 -
Wagwan Co, couldn't resist joining up to this when you told me the frame was up and there were comments
i would just like to add that the frame looks around 10 or 11,000 times better in the flesh. see you in the AMWhat is a Signature>?0 -
It looks great. I'm looking forward to following this build.0
So the bike has left the paint shop so have put the headset on.
Used the perfect tool for the job, Record bench vice, worked a treat.
With the headset on thought id put the forks on with some temp bars and stem, they will be changed in due course.
The orange on the forks isn't a great match but hey i can't really moan about that.
Have ordered some rotors for the Hope x2s and the wheels are on the way so will be able roll and slow down come the weekend, just need to order some bits to create some forward momentum, oh and i need somewhere to sit.
Im glad people are loving the paint because i love it, and i am so glad i decided to go with the House of Kolor rather then powder coating by orange, Iv ended up with something completely unique and i got to be involved with the whole process which is half the fun.
Hopefully will have some parts tomorrow and that means more pics.
Cheers0 -
So today seen some goodies in the post,
my new wheels,
Hope evo2 pro hubs on Mavic 717 rims.
and also a pair of Continental Vertical tyres
And heres a pic of the bike, (not a good look right now)
Tomorow i will be heading into town to get some skewers and some inner tubes. Cant wait.
pics will follow
And last but not least for my post today is a picture of the stuff that made this bike what it is in my eyes. you just can't beat this stuff.
Cheers0 -
Love the bike love the concept, looking forward to seeing the completed build.
I had my old five done via my LBS last year, but I was without the frame for over 3 months.
Problem was there was bubbles of oxidisation around the pivot welds.
Cut a long story short , I ve got the space and gear (just not the knowledge) to want to start doing this myself.
Was gobsmacked by the amount of Cans in your picture, I can see you ve got Primers, Colour and Clear coats (laquers), any chance you could run through whats there and what you used for what?0 -
Aliright Tim.
Well the process required depends on the paint you are using
For my bike we just used primer, base coat and lacquer. But the base coat used can also be the base for candys. There is so many different types of paint in house of kolor.
If you want to use house of Kolor then your best bet is to go on the website and you can print out all the instructions required.
It was my mate that sprayed the bike and all he has done is print out all the instructions from the website and he just follows that.
Try contacting hellafoolsbe on this forum. He's the one who sprayed it and might be more helpfull then I am.
Cheers0 -
So today i went out a good myself some stuff to get the wheels on my bike.
Hope skewers
Slime inner tubes
and some rim tape
I had to put some air into my forks as they were completely empty, then got all the bits together and put them on my bike and here is how its all looking at the mo.
I really wanted to put my brakes on but iv got to wait in till the rotors arrive as i know as soon as i put hem on I'm going to want to grab those levers.
I really do not like the stem i have on there right now so really look forward to changing it to a Hope gunsmoke one. i think it will set it all off.
Now i am not sure what to do about new bars, do i go for the obvious Easton or do i go for something else, i was thinking about some Orange supercross+ bars as the bike is an orange but am not sure, What good bars are out there, I'm looking for some mid risers really or maybe high, any ideas????? (NOT carbon)
Cheers0 -
Really enjoying this build buddy!
Excellent job and the paint is awesome!Scott Ransom
Lapiere Spicy
Trek Fuel Ex8 -
How about these in chrome powder coat?
or in ano orange.?
or these in orange powder coat?
or green always goes well with orange....
Loads of nice bars out there too hard to choose, If I could I'd change my bars every week. -
The bike is starting to look the part and that House of Kolor paint just looks Awesome 8) but i can't wait to see it finished off and i'd go for smoked grey handle bars by the way
You must treat others with respect in order to be respected ..
09 5.2 Rockrider budget rescue . viewtopic.php?f=10017&t=13033836&p=19671152#p196706040 -
Really, really nice build. how much for a re-spray ???0
If your looking for bars rental fatbars are not a bad shout- good price and now come in a load of rise options so you should be able to find what you want. Liking the look of the bike so far!0
Very cool! Nice job and good looking spec.0
Matt-r8 wrote:Really, really nice build. how much for a re-spray ???
My mates looking for about £100 for a spray job0 -
The last time i had a frame and fork painted it cost me £38 but that was back in 1996 so i'd have expected your mate to charge between £80-£90 lol .You must treat others with respect in order to be respected ..
09 5.2 Rockrider budget rescue . viewtopic.php?f=10017&t=13033836&p=19671152#p196706040 -
IT66T wrote:The last time i had a frame and fork painted it cost me £38 but that was back in 1996 so i'd have expected your mate to charge between £80-£90 lol .
Ahh right well I don't know about normall paints but the house of kolor paints are really expensive. Hense the price. You would never find anyone spraying house of kolor for that price.
If you have a search around the net for house of kolor paint you'll see what I mean. I spent £90 on the paint for mine.0 -
So you say the House of Kolor paint is £90 " wow " , i wasn't expecting that price for it ConnanG1989 so in that case you mate should really be charging around £30 on top of the £100 to pay for the time and labour then unless he just likes painting for the fun of it but i have to admit it that he has done a really good job on your frame lol .You must treat others with respect in order to be respected ..
09 5.2 Rockrider budget rescue . viewtopic.php?f=10017&t=13033836&p=19671152#p196706040 -
With a weekend of not being able to do anything to the bike, today i received some presents.
I got new Hope 70mm stem,
Hope ceramic bottom bracket,
Hope 160mm floating rotors,
and a Topeak mini 20 for putting it all together.
With these bits i was able to finally get the brakes on and they are running like dream just a shame the hoses are way to long and i have never bled brakes before so that should be interesting.
Cheers0 -
It's great seeing the brakes fitted even if you haven't sorted them , they still look cool on and i'm afraid i've never bled bike brakes before but i'm assuming you can get kits for bleeding like you can for cars as you normally attach a pipe to the bleed nipple and then slowly loosen the nipple then pump the brake until the fluid runs out into a pot or can and your suppose to tighten the nipple up when the fluid is coming out without air bubbles in it and you need to keep the brake fluid reservoir topped up to help stop air getting into the system lol .You must treat others with respect in order to be respected ..
09 5.2 Rockrider budget rescue . viewtopic.php?f=10017&t=13033836&p=19671152#p196706040 -
My friend shorten the cables with out bleeding.
Unscrew top end without shaking and pumping brake, cut housing with sharp paper knife and put all back together.
Really like the color on your bike.0 -
Phwor! Looking good mate.0
Where abouts is your mate based please.
Pm if you prefer.
Matt.0 -
Shimano Disc brake hose trimming
There is how I trimmed Shimnao brake hose without bleeding and other stuff, but i don't know if this work with Hope brakes. Recommend to find out.My first road bike - Tommaso Aggraziato0