Tour of the Peak 2012

Wardster00 Posts: 143

I have just signed up for the Tour of the Peak (65 miles) and as the date gets closer I am beginning to question my wisdom. A couple of weeks before, I will have ridden the Etape Caledonia and last September, I rode the Southern Sportive (130km). However, I think that Winnats Pass may be a different kettle of fish to the climbs encountered on these rides.

Any advice of how to tackle Winnats would be much appreciated, is it just a case of grind it out? Also, I ride a compact with a 12-25 cassette, would it be worth changing the cassette to make it more bearable?

Any advice is helpful and appreciated.



  • xscreamsuk
    xscreamsuk Posts: 318
    I'm doing TOTP also, the 100 miler, Winnats is a beautiful place, don't start too fast, it ramps up after the second grit bin, save something for then, I'll be on a 28 tooth all the way up. Strines has a nasty little climb as well, 20 odd % at one bit, but keeps going at 10 ish for a distance afterwards, lovely cycle territory though.
  • With a compact it should be pretty easy with a 25 tooth sprocket on the cassette.

    Just pace it right and keep your legs moving. Stay seated as long as possible because it's hard to sit back down once you're out of the saddle.
  • xscreamsuk
    xscreamsuk Posts: 318
    Did Winnats yesterday in wind and rain, stayed seated all the way, but made sure I got up in one go! My theory was not to blow up before the second grit bin and then tough it out, wasn't fast but made it. Don't go mad on the way up to the cattle grid either,
  • Jonny7c
    Jonny7c Posts: 35
    compact and a 25 should be fine BUT definitely don't wear yourself out on the steady ramp up to the caves and the right hand bend and save yourself for the steep stuff round the corner.

    Winnats is significantly harder than any climb on Etape Caledonia but approached sensibly you should be ok. Enjoy the scenery too it's one of my favourites.
  • nunowoolmez
    nunowoolmez Posts: 867
    I did the AMR Peak 100 (mile) ride last year & i loved it! It was by far the toughedt ride i have done yet due to the climbs & due to the epic weather! It gets incredibly exposed & windy in places & it feels at times like you are cycling in glue! The climbs are very do - able as long as you don't try & blast up em. Just find a groove & spin up. You may need to get out of the sadfle at times, but not often. Enjoy it, the scenery will be amazing.