How far do you ride



  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Saw a guy park his audi estate right next to BKB the other day, it seems even the car park was too far for him to cycle.

    Yep my ride typical loop of say 35 miles is about 3 miles road. I often ride home on the road sometimes just to make up time. Makes the ride another 4 or 5 miles, with the last 10 on road.
    SPARTdAN Posts: 26
    Just short of a 20 mile round trip each day Mon - Fri for work. Slowly getting my fitness up to do that daily and need wet gear to not have to rely on car on wet days.

    Losing some unwanted lbs too, should be leaned up in a month or 2 though it's given me up on lifting currently as can't afford enough protein to sustain, prefer to cycle though as it improves my climbing performance.
  • couple of rides a week either 3 or 4.5 hrs long about 30 miles each with in excess of 3500 ft of climbing per ride sometimes 5000ft :o
    anthem x with many upgrades
  • echowitch
    echowitch Posts: 196
    Im doing 6 miles to work, and commonly 10 miles back (I take a slightly wider route on the way back and go via the local BMX Pump track.) So a total of 15-16 miles per day, every day, (about 2 miles of climbing involved.)

    At weekends I try to get out in to my local woods (Sulham Woods) which have some great singletrack and simple downhill routes. I only manage 1 or 2 trips out there per month though. I do the entire forest which is about 10+ miles by my calculation with plenty of climbing. Even the snows didn't stop me :)

    Im doing it for fun, and to lose weight. Im not losing weight, but Im getting slimmer and a lot fitter. :)
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    (about 2 miles of climbing involved.)

    2 miles of uphill roads you mean, or are your trails in fact vertical slopes ;-)
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    16 miles with 10,500ft of climbing would be extremely impressive. Whereas 16 miles of which 2 were up hill, less so ;)
  • echowitch
    echowitch Posts: 196
    njee20 wrote:
    (about 2 miles of climbing involved.)

    2 miles of uphill roads you mean, or are your trails in fact vertical slopes ;-)

    Uphill roads :)
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,780
    Main usual ride: 20 - 35 miles peak district anywhere.

    Climbing: best not knowing anything like that as I wouldn't get out of bed.

    "I can feel it in my legs today, can you?" "My arse muscles hurt, do yours?" is enough.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    diy wrote:
    16 miles with 10,500ft of climbing would be extremely impressive. Whereas 16 miles of which 2 were up hill, less so ;)
    Reminds me of the old Commodore 64 days...

    Or, as our programming lecturer used to explain, a car which is in desperate need of oiling, does not "need oiling badly". Why would you oil it badly? Just do it properly!
  • IShaggy
    IShaggy Posts: 301
    As others have said, it all depends on what type of riding you are doing and also on what your goals are and how much training stress you can cope with - the last bit depending on many factors such as lifestyle and how many years of endurance training you have under your belt.

    I'm currently doing just under 17 hours a week at the moment, which consists of approx 150 miles on the bike - using road, CX, and mountain-bikes - and 50 miles running. But I know some nutters who are currently training for a 10 x Ironman race, which involves completing an Ironman (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and 26.2 miles run) every day for 10 days. If you want to read about some really silly training, have a look at the thread on TripeTalk below -
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    That is just ridiculous. I though people who do the SDW double (200 miles 20,000ft climb in under 24hrs) were mad.

    I bet some of those will be hallucinating by day 3.
  • Posts: 4,067
    Just did a 75km ride - but only 20km of those were on trails. The rest were getting between the two trails and to and from the train station. My legs feel like linguine :?
    "Why have that extra tooth if you're not using it?" - Brian Lopes

    Votec V.SX Enduro 'Alpine Thug' 2012/2013 build

    Trek Session 8
  • higglegog
    higglegog Posts: 15
    I rode the Beast of the Beacons 100km (62.5 miles) and had only covered 30miles before max (Crickhowell loop) Its surprising how far you can go with the adrenaline of an event....But by god, those last 5 miles hurt!