Wiggle NF Spring Sportive Standards MPH or time

WindyRob Posts: 32
I completed the wiggle Spring sportive yesterday. The timing standards were shown as <15mph bronze >15mph silver and >16.5mph gold based on an 83 mile ride this gave two cuts, one at 5hrs 35mins as silver and 5hrs 5mins as gold. When i got back my garmin showed 84.7 miles and i have seen a number of comments about the differential in distance from published and actual.

It isn't really something to lose sleep over but I would have just preferred to see cut times for the route, perhaps then i wouldn't be moaning about the fact that i got a puncture at 118km and the time spent fixing it meant i missed the cut for silver. Had the cut been based on 84.7 miles at 15mph then i would have made it.

I guess i need to be happy with my average moving mph of 16.1 for the distance given the stiff northerly very cold wind in the later stages.

Having moaned, the ride itself was well organised with good signage and feed stops. I'll certainly be back to avenge the puncture fairy who robbed me of my glory!
Wot, get up early and ride to work?!.... Are you mad?


  • I found the same with my garmin reading at 85.3 miles done at an average of 17.2mph.

    I managed a gold standard, just. But my friend that was about 2 minutes behind me missed out on a gold by 16 seconds and he was gutted to say the least.

    Nether the less it was a brilliant ride and I'm certain I'll be back next year to try and beat my time.
  • topcattim
    topcattim Posts: 766
    What interested me was that they have no way of knowing whether you did the Epic or the Standard, as there were no check-in timing points to show which way you went at the course split. I signed up for and rode the Epic, but they have me timed for a Standard. Now, I know what I did, and of course it doesn't matter what others did, but I slipped from a pretty high relative position last year to a mid-table finish this year, which makes me wonder whether they have classified a lot of people as having done the Epic when they actually took the shorter route?

    Definitely agree about it being well organised though. Some very friendly volunteers, and one guy at the second feed stop who seemed positively overjoyed to have the chance to help someone in our group fix a puncture.
  • Yeah, timings are a little all over. I had a 3' 49" or so for the standard, but my 'puter gave me 3' 27", so I'll be going with that! To be honest I'm happy to get out there and do something a bit different and am less bothered about the timings, but simultaneously due to the dif in time they don't/can't account for stops, including the official rest stops.

    That's a minor thing for me though as I'm less competitive.

    Good job by the organisers as ever.
  • Cornish-J
    Cornish-J Posts: 978
    I thought, as usual it was well run, had brilliant weather for it on the sunday albeit very windy though.

    I managed to get inside the top 30 times for the standard. avg 18.1mph.