'sup Mongs it's Miserable Monday Morning

angry_bird Posts: 3,787
edited April 2012 in The Crudcatcher
Morning bumders

It's Monday. I'm not lambing today. I'm revising. Think I'd rather be lambing again now :roll: I'm also awake at a stupid time again. Not impressed. Might try to go back to bed for a bit.

What's you 'orrible lot up to?


  • thekickingmule
    thekickingmule Posts: 7,957
    Morning Losers!

    Back to the grindstone today. Knowing that I have to design and build a studio now is not particularly what I wanted to do, but I'd better get on with it and see where I get.
    Minion better make me tea when I get in.

    Hopefully I'll build up the Blender with the new components tonight :D

    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • Morning muggles

    Today I am off to Cornwall the ancestral home of all pirates. This will be my last time in the southwest for work as I'm moving jobs at the end of may and as such I intend to enjoy the sights, sounds, beer and steak on offer.
    Because its my last visit I'm taking two of my colleagues to show them the ropes.

    Unfortunately all this work means no bikes until at least Friday, but the hotel gym normally provides ample entertainment.

    That's the daddy (as the say in Redruth)
    All hail the FSM and his noodly appendage!
  • Clank
    Clank Posts: 2,323
    Mornin' meatwands

    Ahh, the start of the working week - to work, perchance to recover from the weekend. I am knackered!

    A steady day of polishing off reports and taking things steady for me, I reckon. But first, the traditional.

    Owards! To coffee! ......and possibely some weapons grade anti-inflamatories......
    How would I write my own epitaph? With a crayon - I'm not allowed anything I can sharpen to a sustainable point.

    Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are worth exactly what you paid for them.
  • xmadxmoex
    xmadxmoex Posts: 135
    Mornin all.

    Back on the day shifts today after my few days off..

    Lookign forward to pay day (still) when i can finally go and purchase the bike shed, then ill be able to move it 50 miles, away from the out-laws to home.. huzzah!

    Suppose i better start looking busy and 'working'
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    morning all,

    my cold is still in full effect, but i've dragged myself into work. no chance of going home though as my boss has it aswell and he'll be here until the end :x

    now, question. i'm selling my HT to fund a new build - do i go for a carbon 456?

  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,288
    Another missing post this morning!

    Day of meh
  • castlelad
    castlelad Posts: 414
    morning biatches,

    day of bacon,sausage, egg sarnies first, red or brown tho ? hhmmmm !
    then cut my front lawn , go and get angie dirty,take some pics and then sit on my ar5e till dave and kids come home from school !
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    Morning all,

    Today is work = meh

    Tonight is new bike collection! Specialized Demo 8 II in red and black!!,

    I am so excited I could sh£t!

    Hope brakes, Hope hubs/Mavic rimmage, SRAM x7 1x9, e13 bash and device, Cromag cockpit, boxxer r2c2, fox dhx rc4
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,354
    Kaise wrote:
    Tonight is new bike collection! Specialized Demo 8 II in red and black!!,

    I am so excited I could sh£t!

    Hope brakes, Hope hubs/Mavic rimmage, SRAM x7 1x9, e13 bash and device, Cromag cockpit, boxxer r2c2, fox dhx rc4
    Pics please when you get it :)

    Morning Flap Fiddlers,

    A day of bit 'n' pieces - take a pile of crap down the dump, buy supplies, wash mud off the bike without the aid of a hosepipe, then maybe head off for a swim in the afternoon. Riding will have to wait as my thumb is still too bruised to change gear without crying like a girl.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • bwfc4eva868
    bwfc4eva868 Posts: 717
    Day off for me today 2nd out of 4 bacon is on the go,so quick shower and off out shopping with the missus.
  • foxc_uk
    foxc_uk Posts: 1,292
    Excellent weekend, 20 mile Peaks ride on Saturday was fun, and included a whole 60 seconds of snow. Legs feel a bit tired after that combined with the horseriding yesterday.
    On a bit of a post weekend comedown, so feeling proper miserable at work. Just gotta keep my head down till 5pm so I can go home and sleep.

  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Morning, well maybe afternoon Burr you get the picture.

    First day of a week of testing on knowledge of the Welsh valley railways, so far so good though. It does however mean that next week I will have to start doing proper work and longer weeks, still its been cool while it lasted.

    Pub quiz tonight, looking For another strong result to build on last week.

    Word of now however, I'm in Starbucks and there's a young girl with her boob out feeding her young child, which is fine, except the kid is having a panini
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • castlelad
    castlelad Posts: 414
    should of asked for a go on the spare milk beast !!
  • Kaise wrote:

    Hur Hur

    Afternoon tramps,

    Back to work, spending time looking at shiny things to buy on payday Friday :)

    Very funny Scotty, now beam me down my clothes.
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    Afternoon fecknuggets!

    First day back at work. My 2 weeks off have been eventfull. Looking after kiddies was fun and anoying.
    No1's 5th birthday last week and her party was saturday which was awesome, Saturday night i was called by the hospital where my dad was taken in last sunday, to say if they dont put him on a ventalator now, he's going to die, if the dont do it now, he's going to die, infact he's going to have to try fecking hard not to die!
    He's now sedated and on a ventalator until further notice. Bit of a shock as 2 weeks ago he was a fit bloke.

    So as you can imagine its been a whole mixed bag of emotions going on in my house. needless to say this weekends trip to waleslandshire is now cancelled. I have not been well either over the last week or so, but yesterday in the consultation meeting i passed out and had to stay on the hospital sofa for a while before being alowed to leave!
    So off to the hospital again after work.

    Anyway onwards to more emails and pointless meetings.
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • VWsurfbum wrote:
    Saturday night i was called by the hospital where my dad was taken in last sunday, to say if they dont put him on a ventalator now, he's going to die, if the dont do it now, he's going to die, infact he's going to have to try fecking hard not to die!
    He's now sedated and on a ventalator until further notice. Bit of a shock as 2 weeks ago he was a fit bloke.

    Sorry to hear that, hope he is feeling a bit better soon.
    VWsurfbum wrote:
    I have not been well either over the last week or so, but yesterday in the consultation meeting i passed out and had to stay on the hospital sofa for a while before being alowed to leave!

    Sounds like worms to me.
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    back to school tommorow after a 2 week holiday. really cannot be a$$es but in just over 2 months time i will be done with gcses and have a super long summer holiday, sounds good. bact to homework now though