indysmith Posts: 276
edited April 2012 in Road beginners
I find that on most bike rides my septum and philtrum hurt a lot more than my bloody legs do.
The stream of snot is never-ending, especially in windy or cold conditions.
Does anybody else have this problem? How do you deal with it? Snot rockets are not an option for me unfortunately - I have tried a few times and it just dribbles down my face.
Sorry to post such a disgusting thread, but this is a real issue.

EDIT: I do take tissues with me, but they become completely soaked through about 5 miles into each ride and need throwing away.


  • Actually, I do. I seem to just manufacture the stuff while riding.
  • Eyon
    Eyon Posts: 623
    Snort 'n' spit if snot rocket isn't an option. Disgusting but it's got to be done, especially now the pollen is coming out I tend to produce a little more than normal. For the dribbles, well, that's why we wear gloves, right?
  • cyco2
    cyco2 Posts: 593
    I have invented a solution for you. It is in need of some development and I think you are just the right to carry it out.
    What you need to do is get 80mm latex tubing . The size determined by your nostril. I used an AAA battery to get mine. Cut the tubing in two and place one over each shoulder near the neck with one end up the nostrils. Hold down the tube somehow so it doesn't slip off the shoulder. It should go down in a loop to allow your head to turn. Now when you start to dribble it goes down the tube with the odd snort from you. But, it is important not to breath in with the nose. So, the extract doesn't go all over your back fix the ends in a plastic bag that have a hole in the top to allow air to flow.
    A stethoscope tube would be ideal I reckon because it would then have a dual use.
    Anyway, what do you reckon ? Do you think you could give it a go ? If you do let me know how you get on ?

    P.S. I think there is a flaw if a stethoscope tube is used. Can you see the problem ?

    If you want to be a strong rider you have to do strong things.
    However if you train like a cart horse you'll race like one.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Depends how runny your nose is.

    If it's a standard runny-nose-in-the-cold - the felt bit on the back of the base of your thumb on your cycling gloves is actually there to help whipe away all that stuff.

    If it's a little more extreme running, i'd suggest talking to the doctor. I suffer from very runny noses and (after having my nose cauterised) it was suggested that I use naseptin (a kind of nose anti-bactieral cream) to both lubricate my nose lining and to absord some of the more fluid nose juice - though this is apparently perscriped stuff. Your nose can get very sore otherwise.

    Sexy stuff I know, but it can be a real pain otherwise.

    (also, it helps to not pick your nose the rest of the day!)
  • klep
    klep Posts: 158

    On a more serious note, I have the same thing. My nose always starts to run when I'm doing enduring sports. The good thing about this snot is that its usually thinner than my normal snot, which allows me to snot-rocket. My normal snot doesnt let me rocket without spraying it all over my face though.

    And as said before, why else do we wear gloves??
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    indysmith wrote:
    I find that on most bike rides my septum and philtrum hurt a lot more than my bloody legs do.
    How do you deal with it?

    Pedal faster in a bigger gear?