Anyone Used These Headphones?


  • iPete
    iPete Posts: 6,076
    You'll just end up listening to wind without a bud in your ear?
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    iPete wrote:
    You'll just end up listening to wind without a bud in your ear?

    you can get clips that sit on your helmet's straps in front of the ear that deflect wind and reduce wind noise...

    but anyone that listens to music whilst riding is a nutter.. its really dangerous..
  • iPete
    iPete Posts: 6,076
    It really isnt.
    Unless you're maybe cranking it in both ears with noise cancelling buds.
  • rpd_steve
    rpd_steve Posts: 361
    I often dont hear a car with nothing in my ears if I'm cracking on at 18mph as the wind noise is louder than a quiet car on a country lane.

    Anything in your ears or music or noise can only make thinks worse. Its like people who say helmets wont save you in a 45 mph crash. No they may not totally protect you, but may make that small differance between life and death. Same with the headfones... Stack en in your own favour.
  • iPete
    iPete Posts: 6,076
    RPD Steve wrote:
    I often dont hear a car with nothing in my ears if I'm cracking on at 18mph as the wind noise is louder than a quiet car on a country lane.

    You should try adding an earphone to one ear, takes the wind noise away ;)
  • nathancom
    nathancom Posts: 1,567
    Isn't that the pleasure of riding? being away from everything, some peace and quiet and just pedalling in the fresh air. It would ruin a good ride for me to add music.
  • klep
    klep Posts: 158
    Listen to music if you want to!

    Myself I use Philips sweat/water resistant earphones.
    The sound quality is great and they fit perfect on- and in-ear(they come with 3 different size thingies, you know)
    With the little clip on the coard I clip it under my jearsy to a bib. This keeps everything in place and makes sure the cable doesnt pull down the earphones which is quite uncomfortable.
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    I have these (which are similar): ... s/3495/228

    They are fine as long as you are not going to fast - as the music does get drowned out by the wind - much better in the summer when it's "less blowy".

    But for me they do give out enough sound to make it worthwhile... and I'd miss not having them.

    If you are one of those people who likes to hear the traffic noise - they are ideal... as soon as traffic approaches you can here them approaching without any issues. I was wearing them today and easily managed to have a conversation with a fellow cyclist whilst two abreast... if the person drops behind or is front - conversation is not as easy... but they do have a volume slider on the cable - to help muting if needed.
  • cyco2
    cyco2 Posts: 593
    I got fed up with headphones and wires so I fitted a radio to the handle bars instead. See photo on the left. I now get a bewildering reception from walkers on the paths I use but is very effective in warning of my presence. It's amazing how much shaking up they can stand when on the paths so they are mounted on sponge. If need be the board that the radio is on doubles up as a map holder and during the dark months can hold a 25mm tube to put a couple of lights on.

    If you want to be a strong rider you have to do strong things.
    However if you train like a cart horse you'll race like one.