Ggggrrrrrrr blumen typical!

p9uma Posts: 565
edited April 2012 in The bottom bracket
Just got back from a short ride. I thought I'd get quick a twenty in, after ten, it chucked down, hail, snow, rain, lobsters, small monkeys called Cyril, the lot came down. Sod that says I and I came home soaked through and muddy. I have a shower, put gear in the wash, clean the bike. And now the suns out and not a cloud in the sky. Blumen' typical grrrrrrr. :twisted:
Trek Madone 3.5
Whyte Coniston
1970 Dawes Kingpin


  • bobtbuilder
    bobtbuilder Posts: 1,537
    That's exactly what the weather has done here in the last 1.5 hours. Just about to leave work now for my commute home. Hopefully it will stay dry so I can get a 30 in as last night got cut short due to hail :cry:
  • p9uma
    p9uma Posts: 565
    That's exactly what the weather has done here in the last 1.5 hours. Just about to leave work now for my commute home. Hopefully it will stay dry so I can get a 30 in as last night got cut short due to hail :cry:

    Good Luck
    Trek Madone 3.5
    Whyte Coniston
    1970 Dawes Kingpin
  • CambsNewbie
    CambsNewbie Posts: 564
    I believe you will find you have just broken forum rule number 11 with the title of this subject.

    Please amend.

    Thank you.
  • p9uma
    p9uma Posts: 565
    I believe you will find you have just broken forum rule number 11 with the title of this subject.

    Please amend.

    Thank you.

    No I haven't. I havent asked for hhhhheeeeelpppp, my thread title was meant to be expressive and descriptive, which it is, I typed it like that on purpose. If you dont like the thread title don't read it.
    Trek Madone 3.5
    Whyte Coniston
    1970 Dawes Kingpin
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    By the time I got home it was just starting to rain. Thought I'd go out anyway. Gave the tyres a squeeze as usual and found the front extremely squishy. Investigation revealed a bloody great thorn. :evil: By the time I'd extracted it from the tyre and fitted a new tube the rain had reached monsoon intensity so I settled for a night on the sofa :(

    On the plus side, I managed to get the tyre off and on again without resorting to tyre levers for the first time, and I had time to patch the old tube successfully. (and discovered that the puncture kit I've been carrying for the past 3 years contained no patches at all!)