woburn sands help???

Posts: 147
Gonna try woburn after work today but got lost with it all last time i went!! Any tips or maps or whwre to head
I'm a Woburn "local" as I ride there most weekends. I'm in MK so its nice and close to me. I have a few Runkeeper tracked activities if you want to try and work out where they lead. Am happy to show you around up there at some point but it all depends on whether I can chance to go out or not with other commitments.
I see from a previous post someone has already pointed you in the direction of a group called Cyclone who ride up there, there is also another group known as the Reservoir Goats who I ride with. We meet at 9am on a Sunday morning for a couple of hours and also on a Wednesday evening. www.reservoirgoats.co.uk is the URL.0 -
What sort of pace do these clubs keep up?? I,ve only been riding six months and my fitness has come on leaps and bounds but still dont wanna hold people up or embarrass myself..0
Roughly around the woods you are looking at an average speed of around nothing more than 7mph. We stop regularly at the end of each section of trail to wait for others and to have a breather.
I was concerned about being able to keep up when I first started going out with them having only ever ridden on asphalt but it didn't take long at all the get into the swing of things off road. Whilst I'm certainly not the fittest, fastest or the most skilled in the group I have improved over the last year or so and had a damn good time doing it.0 -
i've never been too worried about skill level off road as i also used to race motox so will sometime foolishly have a go at anything.. just lung power but ive been riding twice weekly inc cannock full loop weekly for 5 months now so hope that i'll be able to hold my own.. i'm gonna email a club and give it a bash and see where i end up.. why not.. hopefully that will help me get my bearings round there and its always more fun to ride in group i find.. thanks for your advice buddy0
If you've been riding twice a week for a few months you should be fine. PM me and let me know if you decide to come along with the Goats on a Sunday morning.