Anyone know any news on power link for 10speed?

OCLV74 Posts: 53
edited April 2012 in MTB general
Geezer in my LBS said it might be a while before this comes along, having just about finished building my bike and getting back into cycling, I am actually struck that not having a powerlink is a real PITA. So much to the point that if I had the decision again I may well have gone for 9 speed. Just wondered if anyone knows anything about powerlink development for 10 speed, or is the chain width too narrow now?
It is written in The Bible, wasps were born from Satan's butthole and must be cleansed with fire, firearms, or vacuum cleaners.


  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    The 'geezer' is a moron, who's trying to fob you off as he has no clue.

    SRAM already do a 'quick link' - the Power Lock which is designed not to be reusable. If you have some Park Master Link Pliers (or similar) you can reuse them, but I'd not bother, as it wasn't designed for that.

    Shimano had a punt, but it was wearing very quickly, so they reverted to joining pins.

    KMC do reusable links, called the Missing Link.
  • warpcow
    warpcow Posts: 1,448
    LBS geezer is talking pooh. SRAM powerlocks are reusable with a bit of ingenuity. I've used BBB ones without issues. They're not supposed to be openable, but they do, as easily as a powerlink by hand, and they don't explode. KMC do them too, as above.
  • sandy771
    sandy771 Posts: 368
    As above, geezer knows not what he is talking about. My chain came with one and I carry a couple of spares when I am out and about.

    You can buy a 10 speed powerlink here: ... odelID=871
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    As above though, that's a PowerLock, which isn't designed to be reused. Although it can be done, why bother when KMC et al are designed to be reusable?
  • guity
    guity Posts: 113
    This is not useful to you at the moments because they are out of stock but:

    reusable and much cheeper than anything else I have come across.
  • Mojo_666
    Mojo_666 Posts: 860
    I got some from CRC.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    KMC 10 speed Missing Link. Re-usable. Job Done.

    Will work on SRAM and Shimano chains.

    Maybe LBS was thinking Shimano. They're the ones still in the dark ages and couldn't even cope doing a proper link with their Quick Link causing so many problems and as I understand it they ended up going back to their silly pin thing.

    But solve all your problems with a KMC chain too. Just better, snap less, comes with Missing Link (but get some spares).