Feeling sick...

Secteur Posts: 1,971
edited April 2012 in The bottom bracket
Stitches coming out tomorrow following my scaphoid repair 2 weeks ago after a nasty "off" on the bike.

Feeling a bit sick and nervous... never had stitches out before... there's quite a few all along the "tender" bit of the inside my wrist and I don't mind admitting I'm scared!!

Send some good luck wishes this way please!! Got sweaty palms just thinking about it!


  • nweststeyn
    nweststeyn Posts: 1,574
    You'll be a'ight.
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    Think of the nurses man!
  • rozzer32
    rozzer32 Posts: 3,920
    Just think about your thread being deleted, might take you mind off things.
    ***** Pro Tour Pundit Champion 2020, 2018, 2017 & 2011 *****
  • thegreatdivide
    thegreatdivide Posts: 5,807
    You won't feel a thing.

    I had 21 staples and probably the same again in stitches last year and it was fine. Look the other way and think about something else.
  • rhext
    rhext Posts: 1,639
    Having stitches out doesn't hurt at all. I've had them in my gums, toenail sockets (having had ingrowing toenails removed), and somewhere else which ought to have been too painful even to contemplate (turned out it wasn't).....

    Worst you get is a slight pulling sensation: I'd rather have stitches out than an injection!
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    I've got some tramadol to take an hour before, but they wipe me out a bit, so as long as I can lie down whilst she removes them, I hope I'll be ok!
  • Graculus
    Graculus Posts: 107
    I too have had stitches out from scalp, lip and gums. It really doesn't hurt so don't worry too much. The wound will look a whole lot better too!
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    rhext wrote:
    Having stitches out doesn't hurt at all. I've had them in my gums, toenail sockets (having had ingrowing toenails removed), and somewhere else which ought to have been too painful even to contemplate (turned out it wasn't).....

    Worst you get is a slight pulling sensation: I'd rather have stitches out than an injection!

    Like wot he says. you'll be fine fella.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    Phew! Thanks for the reassurances!
  • Zingzang
    Zingzang Posts: 196
    Secteur wrote:
    Feeling a bit sick and nervous... never had stitches out before... !

    Wait till you're having to undergo removal of lung drains (6 of them) taken out through holes in your chest and rib-cage, an arterial line, and a catheter that has been there so long it has caused a rampant infection, and as a result pulls the torn lining of your urethra out with it together with a pool of black putrescent urine. Oh and forgot to mention the stitches inside me lower leg that were forgotten about, went septic and necessitated anaesthetic-free scalpel incisions deep into the leg to cut away the infected tissue and facilitate removal.

    Normal removal of stitches should give you an itching sensation, no more than that.
  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    MTFU :D
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    Buddy, I took the stitches out myself after a circumcision using a set of bike wire cutters and a leatherman - I did nt feel any pain (but it's a bit of a weird feeling) and that was right below "little raver's" helmet!!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • nweststeyn
    nweststeyn Posts: 1,574
    The title of this thread has finally become appropriate.
  • joshr96
    joshr96 Posts: 153
    With a bit of luck you might get some of them fine female nurses to do the job ;)
    Carrera TDF 2011 Limited Edition.
    Crossbow Hybrid
    Boardman AiR 9.8 one day..
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    nweststeyn wrote:
    The title of this thread has finally become appropriate.

    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    Zingzang wrote:
    Secteur wrote:
    Feeling a bit sick and nervous... never had stitches out before... !

    Wait till you're having to undergo removal of lung drains (6 of them) taken out through holes in your chest and rib-cage, an arterial line, and a catheter that has been there so long it has caused a rampant infection, and as a result pulls the torn lining of your urethra out with it together with a pool of black putrescent urine. Oh and forgot to mention the stitches inside me lower leg that were forgotten about, went septic and necessitated anaesthetic-free scalpel incisions deep into the leg to cut away the infected tissue and facilitate removal.

    Normal removal of stitches should give you an itching sensation, no more than that.

    A catheter is my worst nightmare.

    Luckily i'm a young guy.. so my bladder still works and i didn't need one after the two ops i had last year... listening to the guy in the bed next to mine getting his removed wasn't exactly a barrel of laughs though.
  • I've never had a problem with the removal of stitches. It's usually the easiest part of the whole accident/surgery/recovery process. I've even removed them myself a few times. The last time was when I had an operation to remove some metalwork from my foot because one of the screws had worked loose.

    Here's a picture...

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667

    My lovespuds and grion looks like Clapham junction after operations for cancer. I also have had 5 stitches in one finger, 6 in my palm and 8 in my elbow, all put in and taken out without anesthetic after crashing in a race. You baby. :P
  • Zingzang
    Zingzang Posts: 196
    A catheter is my worst nightmare.

    Was a bit wary of them myself straight after the infection and tearing of urethra episode. But when as a result of this episode I subsequently had to self-catheterize twice a week for the next five years with an 13 inch long pencil-thick catheter to stop scar tissue forming I lost my fear of them.

    Pushing the catheter down your Jap's eye is the easy bit; burying all 13 inches of it inside you and past the bladder muscle to empty your bladder is less straightforward. You learn to do it quickly. Otherwise your eyes tend to water and you may pee blood for the next few days.
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Secteur wrote:
    after a nasty "off" on the bike.

    Didn't you fall off while having a sip of water? I'd put this in the category of 'embarrassing' off' :lol:
  • jordan_217
    jordan_217 Posts: 2,580
    It looks like it should hurt. You anticipate that it will hurt and yet, it doesn't.
    “Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.”
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    Zingzang wrote:
    A catheter is my worst nightmare.

    Was a bit wary of them myself straight after the infection and tearing of urethra episode. But when as a result of this episode I subsequently had to self-catheterize twice a week for the next five years with an 13 inch long pencil-thick catheter to stop scar tissue forming I lost my fear of them.

    Pushing the catheter down your Jap's eye is the easy bit; burying all 13 inches of it inside you and past the bladder muscle to empty your bladder is less straightforward. You learn to do it quickly. Otherwise your eyes tend to water and you may pee blood for the next few days.

    DUU-UUDDDEEE!! Warn us we need to cross our legs or grip the table before reading that please!!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • rc856
    rc856 Posts: 1,144
    I must have been lucky?
    Realised my scaphoid was broken 2 months after the event, too late for a cast so had to have an op to put in a screw.
    No stitches at all?!!

    Zingzang...sorry to pry...but I'm curious as to what happened?!
  • bobtbuilder
    bobtbuilder Posts: 1,537
    It won't hurt at all. It just pulls the skin a little.

    If any of the stitch "holes" stays puckered a couple of days after the stitches are removed, it probably means you have a stitch knot or piece of suture left in the wound. You can probably take this out yourself with a pair of tweezers.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,562
    In my days as a herdsman I used to remove stitches from cows if they had had a caesarian or displaced abomasum, and they never even twitched.
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for all the replies.

    I do feel a bit soft after reading some of your stories... and grateful I'm so healthy and this is "only" a scaphoid which will hopefully heal uneventfully...

    Anyway, I had 9 stitches, 6 of which didn't hurt at all (didn't even realise she'd started), but the last 3 were stuck somehow and were quite sore but nothing in the grand scheme of things. I had a peek and regretted it and felt sweaty and faint! Bit embarrasing as she made me lie down! Some of the wound had come apart but she said it looked healthy. Now back in a cast!

    Thanks for the stories and replies!
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    Think of the nurses man!

  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    Secteur wrote:
    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for all the replies.

    I do feel a bit soft after reading some of your stories... and grateful I'm so healthy and this is "only" a scaphoid which will hopefully heal uneventfully...

    Anyway, I had 9 stitches, 6 of which didn't hurt at all (didn't even realise she'd started), but the last 3 were stuck somehow and were quite sore but nothing in the grand scheme of things. I had a peek and regretted it and felt sweaty and faint! Bit embarrasing as she made me lie down! Some of the wound had come apart but she said it looked healthy. Now back in a cast!

    Thanks for the stories and replies!

    Glad it went ok... I faint if i watch when they take blood or given an injection... happens to the best of us!

    (although feeling faint after looking to stitches is a bit wussy?!)
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    (although feeling faint after looking to stitches is a bit wussy?!)

    OI! To be fair, it wasn't so much the stitches as she'd taken most out by that point - it was the fact that i saw part of the wound had come apart... yeuck!

    Anyway, glad it's done with!!
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Glad it went ok !

    I broke my scaphoid some years ago and didn't realise what I'd done. I only went to the docs because mountain biking was proving somewhat painful :lol:

    Anyway, the X-ray didn't show anything, but the doc sent me for some physio. It turned out that I'd got hairline fracture which was too fine to show on an X-ray, and was only discovered when the physio decided that ultra sound might be a good idea. The effect of the ultrasound was to vibrate the fractured scaphoid, turn me green with pain and almost a punch in the mush for the physio ! A scan revealed hte fracture, but I was off my bike for a few months :(

    Hope it heals well ! :(
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