Languedoc - good rides?

Summer hols are in the Minervois region of Languedoc in SW France this year. We're hiring some family bikes to do the Canal du Midi stufqf, but I'm going to take my proper bike too. We're staying in a place called Argens Minervois, near Homps, and I've seen we're not too far away from Haut Languedoc which looks like it might have some decent rides. However I don't know the area at all, so if anyone does know the locale and has any suggestions for 100km ish rides with some lumpy bits that'd be great. I'll have a car so a "park and ride" is feasible, but as I'll have the family with me I'm looking to be back for lunchtime/early pm so a total of 6hrs or so is the best I can hope for.

Thanks all!
