Late Night Rides

Sesquepidilian Posts: 83
edited April 2012 in The bottom bracket
I just got in from my first night run. Just a quick 45 minute sprint around my usual ~8 mile circuit. No real reason for it, just didn't fell like going to bed and I hadn't been out allday due to the rain so had to "catch-up", so to speak.

It was fun. Best session I've had for a few days, actually. Aside from some wicked indigestion I felt pretty good. I'm posting this up so I can see in the morning it was real and I hadn't just imagined it....or some weird dream. :)


  • andy46
    andy46 Posts: 1,666
    I have also done this from time to time, usually a 13 mile loop. It's quite peaceful out after 10pm.
    2019 Ribble CGR SL

    2015 Specialized Roubaix Sport sl4

    2014 Specialized Allez Sport
  • anto164
    anto164 Posts: 3,500
    I normally go out at about 8pm, but i can be out up to 3 hours, normally do anything between 20 and 55miles in the evening. All depends whether i remember to bring my spare battery for my lights!

    Night riding is much fun. Roads are lovely and quiet. Hills are more deceptive though!
  • vitesse169
    vitesse169 Posts: 422
    When I was working shifts, I would cycle in - 13 miles e.w. - at 9:30 for a night shift or finish a late at midnight and cycle home.
    I found the roads pretty clear at that time, in the better weather I would take a longer route home and do 17-18 miles. As long as you have decent lights, night pedalling is a great time to get a few miles in...
  • thecrofter
    thecrofter Posts: 734
    Certainly it's nice to have the streets to yourself, but I find that after about an hour I start to get a bit bored, I like to be able to have a look around at the view from time to time, or so on. Longer rides are definately more interesting in the daylight. At this time of year, I sometimes get up at five and go out for two or three hours, then you're home in time for breakfast, and feel great for the rest of the day.

    Isn't it good that everyone is an individual.
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  • wiffachip
    wiffachip Posts: 861
    i really enjoy a late spin in the summer through the lanes of byker, walker and wallsend, nee kiddin
  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    Gizmodo wrote:
    I can see the attraction :shock:


    Where is that, not Cannock!