Front suspension - small amount of oil leaking?

cptcaterpillar23 Posts: 20
edited April 2012 in MTB workshop & tech
Hi - new to all this so go easy on me!

I have some brand new RockShox XC30 forks (just bought Spesh Rockhopper) and I am seeing a small amount of oil on the left hand fork on the silver top post that travels down/up in to the lower part of the fork. It's enough oil to cause a line of oil going down, wiped away and its back a little later.

Is this usual or could I have a bit of an oil dampner leak going on?
Thanks for any advice and help,


  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    That is fine, it's just seal lubrication. It's why they have to very occasionally be serviced (among other reasons ofcourse).
  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    Also new forks do it a lot to begin with then it gradually becomes less as they break in.
  • Thats great, thanks, I did wonder if was just because they are new and they are getting rid of excess lube, phew!
    Cheers for your help, you have put my mind at rest!