Ways to avoid getting sore neck trigger points ?

Sunderland Supporter
edited April 2012 in Road beginners
I have my bike set up very comfortably, my saddle to bars height is 6cm and im 5 ft 9 riding a size 54 frame . I do get some neck pain after about 2 hrs riding and I can feel small lumps on left hand side only of my neck. From a bit of research it appears these are called trigger points and are caused by neck extension due to the cycling position and reduced blood circulation. You cant do stretching exercises and all that whilst riding, so what methods are there to alleviate the formation of trigger points ? With the saddle / bar height used by the pros ,if anybody is going to be prone to triggers , its surely them. What action(s) do they take to keep the neck loose and supple despite very aggressive riding positions ?
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