Manual for Carrera Kraken?

muran Posts: 105
edited April 2012 in MTB general
Anyone know where I can download a manual for a Carrera Kraken? I want to have a read and make sure in following the right procedure in adjusting the derailleur.



  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    Go to the deraileur manufacturers website. I know shimano have all the tech docs online, never looked for SRAM but would assume they do as well.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    oodboo wrote:
    Go to the deraileur manufacturers website. I know shimano have all the tech docs online, never looked for SRAM but would assume they do as well.
    The setup of Shimano and SRAM mechs is so similar the the manual for one would be fine for the other anyway.
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    oodboo wrote:
    Go to the deraileur manufacturers website. I know shimano have all the tech docs online, never looked for SRAM but would assume they do as well.
    The setup of Shimano and SRAM mechs is so similar the the manual for one would be fine for the other anyway.
    Maybe, but for a beginner surely they would prefer to look at the manual that describes their component. If I needed a manual for an x5 rear mech I wouldn't make do with a manual for an xtr mech.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    oodboo wrote:
    oodboo wrote:
    Go to the deraileur manufacturers website. I know shimano have all the tech docs online, never looked for SRAM but would assume they do as well.
    The setup of Shimano and SRAM mechs is so similar the the manual for one would be fine for the other anyway.
    Maybe, but for a beginner surely they would prefer to look at the manual that describes their component. If I needed a manual for an x5 rear mech I wouldn't make do with a manual for an xtr mech.
    Makes zero (appreciable) difference. A mech is a mech, regardless of brand.
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    The high low stop screws are in different places and there are other subtle differences. If this is all new to you then you would be better off with the manual that matches the component you've got. Once you know what your doing, if you still need a manual than yeah, any manual should suffice.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    oodboo wrote:
    The high low stop screws are in different places and there are other subtle differences. If this is all new to you then you would be better off with the manual that matches the component you've got. Once you know what your doing, if you still need a manual than yeah, any manual should suffice.
    Don't be an ass. The on-off switch is in different places on my Samsung TV remote, and on the Sky remote, but I know it's the on/off button that I need to turn it on, or off.

    The principles are precisely the same, so anyone who reads either, and understands the process will be able to set up either.
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    Half the staff where I work can't turn on the iMac in the IT room because the power button is on the back, don't over estimate peoples need to have things spelled out to them.

    Was I wrong in pointing out that the OP needs the manual for the deraileur rather than the bike?
    Was I wrong that both Shimano and SRAM have the manuals online?
    Is there any need for this?
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    oodboo wrote:
    Half the staff where I work can't turn on the iMac in the IT room because the power button is on the back, don't over estimate peoples need to have things spelled out to them.
    Fine. you're right. From now on, I shall treat all people, including yourself, as though you had learning difficulties.
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    I see you ignored the latter part of my message.

    Mentioning learning difficulties was no necessary. Do you know people with learning difficulties?

    I have never wanted to punch someone in the face as much as I do right now.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    oodboo wrote:
    Do you know people with learning difficulties?

    I have never wanted to punch someone in the face as much as I do right now.
    Yes, I do know people with learning difficulties. Your point being?
    Here's the thing... Both rear mech brands are so similar that the setup procedure is nigh-on identical. They also both have manuals online, but if you have either manual to hand, it will also apply to the other brand just fine.
    So, I have to admit, I don't actually get what you're arguing about.

    (oh, and after actually looking at both manuals, I'd still recommend the Shimano one. It's relatively clear and concise. The SRAM one, by contrast, looks like a graphic designer took some mushrooms and brain-vomited all over their DTP software)
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    Here's the thing... I an arse.
    (oh, and after actually looking at both manuals, I'd still recommend the Shimano one. It's relatively clear and concise. The SRAM one, by contrast, looks like a graphic designer took some mushrooms and brain-vomited all over their DTP software)

    You didn't recommend either, you just said either would do.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    oodboo wrote:
    (oh, and after actually looking at both manuals, I'd still recommend the Shimano one. It's relatively clear and concise. The SRAM one, by contrast, looks like a graphic designer took some mushrooms and brain-vomited all over their DTP software)

    You didn't recommend either, you just said either would do.
    Fair enough - I think that comes from a conversation I was having yesterday with someone. :lol:

    But here, in magificent salutation to your skill as a pedant (even though your earlier edit of my post is nonsensical) have this...
  • Greer_
    Greer_ Posts: 1,716
    I'm sorry, but i'm with oodboo. That was totally unnecessary, as a relative beginner myself, no matter what was easier (according to some guy on a forum), I want the manual that is specific to my part, not something that will do. The OP wants some help finding a manual which exists for a part he has so why can't we give him the right one, rather than argue about which one is better? What is said above has nothing to do with the OP's question - it required a simple answer.

    I doubt he is gonna touch this topic again because of this, but if he does, what is the mech? X5 i think?
    Try here - ... eurs_3.pdf
    Steps 3 and 4 show how to set the stop limits and which screw affects which limit. I hope these 3 lines help.
  • muran
    muran Posts: 105
    Greer_ wrote:
    I'm sorry, but i'm with oodboo. That was totally unnecessary, as a relative beginner myself, no matter what was easier (according to some guy on a forum), I want the manual that is specific to my part, not something that will do. The OP wants some help finding a manual which exists for a part he has so why can't we give him the right one, rather than argue about which one is better? What is said above has nothing to do with the OP's question - it required a simple answer.

    I agree totally and though I do appreciate any help that comes my way, help specific to my kit is preferable. Honestly don't think there was a need for all the arguing guys. Shame the mods in this forum don't seem too on the ball - other forums I frequent would have had posts such as this cleaned up by now...
    Greer_ wrote:
    I doubt he is gonna touch this topic again because of this, but if he does, what is the mech? X5 i think?
    Try here - ... eurs_3.pdf
    Steps 3 and 4 show how to set the stop limits and which screw affects which limit. I hope these 3 lines help.

    Hey I'm made of sterner stuff than that, I can easily shrug off a bit of banter or more importantly separate the useful contributions from the not so ;-)

    You're right, it's an X5. Have some ideas now of what to try next, think I was perhaps putting a little too much emphasis on the tension of the cable at the wrong stage of the adjustment. I have a different approach now thanks to info obtained here and elsewhere so when I get the new shifter cable I will set about making the adjustments again and this time in the correct order!

    Thanks for the links, info and help all!
  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,812
    muran wrote:
    Greer_ wrote:
    Shame the mods in this forum don't seem too on the ball - other forums I frequent would have had posts such as this cleaned up by now...
    You'll find the mods here take more of a laissez-faire attitude than on some other forums, as long as such banter stays 'mostly friendly' it is allowed although offensive content (outside the crud catcher forum) will get pulled quite quickly, the more usual consequence is a banning (for a set period) which has happened in the past - in fact I think the last person was a certain YeeHaaMcGee? (ignoring spammers)
    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    Actually, it would appear that Sheeps has vanished into thin air, so I guess he'd be the latest.
    Still, I think it's a bit harsh suggesting that oodboo got banned. Pedants are largely entertaining.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Sheeps isn't banned, I think he was due for a tour of Afganistan. Bearing in mind what he does for a living, hope he keeps his head down.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    Don't worry, I'm in a better mood today. Must've been on a man period or something yesterday.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    oodboo wrote:
    Don't worry, I'm in a better mood today. Must've been on a man period or something yesterday.
    Ouch. you should probably go find some preparation H or something.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Shame the mods in this forum don't seem too on the ball

    Just press the report button! We don't read evry single post, and even the ones we do read, we may feel no action is necessary. If you do though, please report them.
  • muran
    muran Posts: 105
    muran wrote:
    Greer_ wrote:
    Shame the mods in this forum don't seem too on the ball - other forums I frequent would have had posts such as this cleaned up by now...
    You'll find the mods here take more of a laissez-faire attitude than on some other forums, as long as such banter stays 'mostly friendly' it is allowed although offensive content (outside the crud catcher forum) will get pulled quite quickly, the more usual consequence is a banning (for a set period) which has happened in the past - in fact I think the last person was a certain YeeHaaMcGee? (ignoring spammers)

    It was kinda a little dig at the mods, a polite one of course :) the reason being that I am still awaiting a response to my thread about adding tapatalk compatibility to this forum. I have tried to bring their attention to the post but still awaiting any form of mod input and as they are the only ones that can bring about the change I findit a little poor.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    That is a job for the main website admin - the forum admin and mods have no powers to do this. I will pass it on for attention as they only check the place periodically.
  • muran
    muran Posts: 105
    Thanks, appreciated.