C2C2C 24 hours. Help needed!

young dog
young dog Posts: 64
Hi fellas.
We are riding Morecambe to Scarborough to Morecambe approx 260 miles on June 23rd. We are looking for help/advice with a decent cyclists portion meal in Scarborough approx 9pm. We have contacted Scarborough cycling club, but had no reply. Can anyone help? We will be riding through the night of 23rd/24th- Scarborough, Pickering,Thirsk,Northallerton,Bedale,Leyburn,Hawes,Ingleton,Morecambe.

This is a small club ride with Le Terrier riders ( our sportive) and we would gladly return any favours.

Thanks in anticipation.

Whoops nearly forgot, we are leaving Morecambe at 10am, hopefully returning 10am the following day.

Graham Orr Lancaster CC
