Weird gut bug anyone?

McBain_v1 Posts: 5,237
edited April 2012 in The bottom bracket
Anyone else had this? Got it last Saturday and thought it was just some indigestion. Did the usual and chewed a handful of Rennies... did nowt. Got really uncomfortable as it lasted all day and then on Sunday morning when I woke up it was twice as bad. Chugged a bucket-load of Gaviscon and still no effect. My stomach was really hyper-active and I could actually feel my esophageal sphincter open each time I swallowed :shock:

It is only today after taking some Zantac that the misery has started to abate a tiny bit. Quite worried that this might have left me with a stomach ulcer :| Has anyone else had something similar? If the Zantac isn't enough to let me get some sleep tonight then I guess it's off to the doctors and possibly down to BUPA for a camera down the gullet.

Just off to buy a crate of those little Yakult-type drinks from Asda. To top it all off I am getting a cold as well :roll: Air conditioned offices eh - you gotta love 'em :x

What do I ride? Now that's an Enigma!