One of those days...

spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
edited April 2012 in Commuting chat
Woke up, rear tyre was flat, attempted to pump it up, no good. so rang the office ive got a puncture i'll be in ASAP.

then on the way in i misjudged the timing on some lights, slammed on my brakes, skidded through the red light to a point where i was now over the far crossing line, what's the point in stopping now ive crossed the lights. didnt unclip as id lost all my momentum and was about to topple so quickly managed to regain enough composure to pull away and theres a sodding police car sitting at the lights directly behind me.

they toot at me, wind their window down and start telling me i've run a red light and not even bothered to slow down whilst riding along at 20mph. i ask them do they want me to pull over as i was willing to argue that i had slowed down and couldnt stop in time and almost went over the bars. they were adamant that id not slowed down. i think i left rubber on the tarmac id slid so far under so much force. they just told me not to do it again.

how do people run red lights all day every day and get away with it? i dont run them, i just misjudged the timings on this one (the orange didnt last as long as i thought it would). and sods law is i get caught.
