My ROSE is no more.

alwaystoohot Posts: 252
edited May 2012 in Road beginners
My beloved ROSE PRO-RS 4400 compact of just 7 months and 2,800km is no more. Gone to the bikeshed in the sky.

I was turning right from a sideroad onto a mainroad (traffic lights on red for the mainroad and green for me) when a truck went out of control trying to slow down, mounted the central reservation and came careering towards me. Nowt I could do, I thought my time was up. Fortunately he smashed into a central mounted traffic light which reduced his speed. Moving forward would have pout me into his path so I simply dropped the bike on its right side, kicked out of the clips in mid air then against the forward momentum managed to roll backwards 3 or 4 times. The truck came to a halt 2 yards in front of me lying on the road, my bike was under the truck, totalled. I'd washed it on sunday.

The driver fully admitted full responsibility, the rozzers came and I gave all details, its been included on the truck companies insurance claim and I submit my claim later today. I'll be able to salvage the rear wheel, everything else is done for. Absolutely gutted.

Observation, when you're faced with a 'Yikes!' situation, its amazing how your senses take over, I bounced and turned as deftly as a cat, just one small graze on my elbow to show for it. The missus says my shorts will wash clean.

Lads..... that accident was going to happen whether I was there or not, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm very, very fortunate to be alive. I have a wife and two young sons. Sobering.

Lets be careful out there. Look, look again and keep looking.

'I started with nothing and still have most of it left.'


  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    Jeez - horrible story. Just glad you are ok. As you say - wrong place at wrong time. Hope the insurance gets sorted soon and I guess you should get back on as soon as - though it'll take a while to relax at junctions!!

    All the best - I think if it had been me I might have written the shorts off too.

  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    I wouldn't bother with the wheel.
  • rc856
    rc856 Posts: 1,144
    Sounds like a Final Destination moment!
    Things like that make me think about fate/your time is up etc. if you had been a few seconds slower/quicker etc.

    Glad you're ok. As much as you, and we all, love our can be replaced.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,059
    I assume you have also claimed for new shorts - you'll never get those brown stains out!!
  • p9uma
    p9uma Posts: 565
    Holy Broken Bones! Im glad it wasn't worse, you where very luck there. You just never know what fate is going to hand out do you?

    I hope your back on the road soon.

    Dont bother with the wheel.
    Trek Madone 3.5
    Whyte Coniston
    1970 Dawes Kingpin
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    A lucky escape, but glad to hear that you're OK.

    Mount the wheel on the wall as a reminder...
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • p9uma
    p9uma Posts: 565
    Peddle Up! wrote:
    A lucky escape, but glad to hear that you're OK.

    Mount the wheel on the wall as a reminder...

    Trek Madone 3.5
    Whyte Coniston
    1970 Dawes Kingpin
  • BobScarle
    BobScarle Posts: 282
    Wow. That's one heck of a lucky escape. Glad to see you are ok. Pity about only having washed the bike at the weekend.

    It is a sobering thought though, that in accidents with other road users cyclists more often than not come off worse. The driver may have admitted that it was his fault but was he hurt in the collision? Just shows that we all need to keep on our toes even in a situation where we are completely blameless.
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    The truck came to a halt 2 yards in front of me lying on the road, my bike was under the truck, totalled. I'd washed it on sunday.


    Only a true cyclist would say this, or appreciate this comment!
  • fludey
    fludey Posts: 384
    Hope you put lotto numbers on sounds like you were very lucky to get away with minor injuries. Best get planning next bike on insurance company!
    Felt AR4
    Planet X Pro Carbon 105
    MTB Kona Kikapu Deluxe with a few upgrades!!
  • rob21
    rob21 Posts: 284
    Lets be careful out there. Look, look again and keep looking.
    i couldn't agree more,in recent weeks ive noticed some pretty bad driving,and had peeps pull out in front of me :evil:
    maybe its the better weather :? good advice to look at every opportunity because their really are some idiots out their.
    hope your are on the mend and soon back on the road....
  • Frank pole
    Frank pole Posts: 112
    Good to hear your OK!

    there seems to be more stories like this every week in national press and some riders don't get out of the way!

    my girlfriend hates me road riding but must admit I won't ride anymore during rush hour! Keep safe!
  • Quick heads up.

    Son of ROSE arived today! Same bike in every respect except FULL Dura ace. OMFG.

    Its an ex-showroom bike so was ready for immediate shipment but also heavily discounted for the same reason. I don't get home til friday so I have to contain myself til then. Bike fitting booked for friday pm then a 55km ride and 6kms run planned for saturday morning with my local club. Sprint triathlon the following weekend.

    Can't wait. :mrgreen:
    'I started with nothing and still have most of it left.'
  • p9uma
    p9uma Posts: 565
    Quick heads up.

    Son of ROSE arived today! Same bike in every respect except FULL Dura ace. OMFG.

    Its an ex-showroom bike so was ready for immediate shipment but also heavily discounted for the same reason. I don't get home til friday so I have to contain myself til then. Bike fitting booked for friday pm then a 55km ride and 6kms run planned for saturday morning with my local club. Sprint triathlon the following weekend.

    Can't wait. :mrgreen:

    Nice one.Dura Ace indeed! OMFG is about right.
    Trek Madone 3.5
    Whyte Coniston
    1970 Dawes Kingpin
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    dont forget and send the lorry driver a bottle of wine - well played - you're going to enjoy that little beauty.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Got fitted on friday and took the bike out for the first time on saturday morning for my standard 70k club run.

    First - I loved the old bike with its SRAM Red crank and Force everything else + DT SWISS 1850's and would have kept her for years but for the accident. The DuraAce new bike with the Mavic Kyrsium SL's is a revelation! Rolls Royce ride, ssssssmooth or what! Gear changes click, click, click, big wheel onto small and back with just a tap and the wheels/tyre (Conti GP4000S again) combo makes the ride like sitting on a sofa. Wacky how the 'same' bike (frame and frame size, forks etc..) can feel so different when set up with different kit. Did a 20k TT this morning just to check again and blow away the cobwebs and same experience, she's a dream.
    'I started with nothing and still have most of it left.'
  • rob21
    rob21 Posts: 284
    Got fitted on friday and took the bike out for the first time on saturday morning for my standard 70k club run.

    First - I loved the old bike with its SRAM Red crank and Force everything else + DT SWISS 1850's and would have kept her for years but for the accident. The DuraAce new bike with the Mavic Kyrsium SL's is a revelation! Rolls Royce ride, ssssssmooth or what! Gear changes click, click, click, big wheel onto small and back with just a tap and the wheels/tyre (Conti GP4000S again) combo makes the ride like sitting on a sofa. Wacky how the 'same' bike (frame and frame size, forks etc..) can feel so different when set up with different kit. Did a 20k TT this morning just to check again and blow away the cobwebs and same experience, she's a dream.
    a great end to a horrible story,looks like your going to enjoy your new bike :lol:
  • TommyB61
    TommyB61 Posts: 103
    Got fitted on friday and took the bike out for the first time on saturday morning for my standard 70k club run.

    First - I loved the old bike with its SRAM Red crank and Force everything else + DT SWISS 1850's and would have kept her for years but for the accident. The DuraAce new bike with the Mavic Kyrsium SL's is a revelation! Rolls Royce ride, ssssssmooth or what! Gear changes click, click, click, big wheel onto small and back with just a tap and the wheels/tyre (Conti GP4000S again) combo makes the ride like sitting on a sofa. Wacky how the 'same' bike (frame and frame size, forks etc..) can feel so different when set up with different kit. Did a 20k TT this morning just to check again and blow away the cobwebs and same experience, she's a dream.

    Excellent end to a nasty story. Great to hear your update, may you enjoy many 000's of kilometers on your son of Rose :-)
  • alwaystoohot
    alwaystoohot Posts: 252
    Thanks lads, I fully intend to. Have my first race this sunday.
    'I started with nothing and still have most of it left.'