Bristol MTB Thefts

gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
edited April 2012 in MTB general
From e-mail sent to me;

Please fwd to your friends. I actually met a policeman the other day
whilst MTBing in Leigh Woods & he was there precisely for this
reason. Typically the thieves sit around in little groups looking
for high value bikes & then note registration plates, follow people
home then target their homes when they are out.

> Subject: Ringmaster Email - BRISTOL - NHW Alert BN9665 28032012 09
> 28032012 09]
> There has been an increase in the number of burglaries and shed
> breaks where high value bicycles are being stolen. It is thought
> that a group of individuals are targeting victims whilst owners are
> out and about on their bikes at places like Leigh Woods and Ashton
> Court, before following them home. Offenders are then targeting
> houses and sheds, breaking padlocks and also in some cases entry
> has been gained by ripping out the shed roof.
> In one incident on 27th March a burglary occurred in XXXXXXXX ROAD
> where 5 bikes were stolen valued at £16,000. These bikes had been
> used at Ashton Court the previous weekend.
> If you own a bike please ensure that you register it at
>, take a record of the serial number and lots of
> photographs. Ensure that your bike is securely locked at all
> times, preferably to something fixed.
> If you see anyone suspicious hanging around bikes please contact
> the police on 101.

I have scrubbed the road name to protect the innocent.....I can validate the e-mail as correct as the burglary in question was at the house of the guy who sits opposite me at work.


  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Bollocks that's advertising the website.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • DodgeT
    DodgeT Posts: 2,255
    Saw this last week I think in the hub. Does anyone use the immobilise website?
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    This just in from A&S Police
    Police are investigating a number of bicycle thefts that have taken place in recent months.

    PC Greig Difford said: "There were 28 such incidents in March 2012, where bicycles have been taken from homes in Bristol. The owners of these bikes had been cycling in the Leigh Woods or Ashton Court area in the weeks leading up to the theft.

    "Leigh Woods and Ashton Court now attracts many cyclists as it was voted the 'best inner city mountain bike trail in the country' and we are keen to put a stop to these thefts and bring the offenders to justice.

    "Some of the bikes stolen have been worth up to £5,000 and we have increased patrols in the area. I would ask anyone who notices suspicious behaviour to call us on the new non-emergency police telephone number 101."

    Four people aged 20, 19, 19 and 17 have been arrested on suspicion of burglary and are currently on police bail pending further enquiries. ... um=twitter
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Personally I would just keep this information in a safe place and provide plod with the details if/when. I am totally against these big brother registers of property, you have no clue how this information is secured. It would be every easy for a rogue plod or even the database administrator to take a dump of the database and sell it to some scumbag for profiling.

    They then have a list of everything worth nicking and where its kept.

    They are also unwilling to take any responsibility for this in their ts and cs. The problem is because the service is free, they side step any obligations that they would normally have.
  • DodgeT
    DodgeT Posts: 2,255
    diy wrote:
    It would be every easy for a rogue plod or even the database administrator to take a dump of the database and sell it to some scumbag for profiling.
    They then have a list of everything worth nicking and where its kept.

    Same thing as went through my mind.