23mm Tyres on a 17mm Rim?

Ben95 Posts: 9
edited March 2012 in Road beginners
Hi, I have decided to change the tyres on my bike, as the ones it came with are cheap and I am constantly getting punctures. The bike is a Claud Butler 300e (although if you google it the images that come up don't match the bike at all, but I'll put up a pic on another thread to ask about that). The tyres that came on the bike are 35mm, but I would like to change to skinnier tyres. I was going to change to 25mm, as I found a chart that said 25 was the smallest on you could put on a 17mm rim (inside measurement of rim). But it also said many cyclists put skinnier tyres on without an issue. The reason I want to put 23mm tyres on is I could get some Schwalbe Stelvio Raceguard folding tyres for £10 each, and they aren't getting any more 25mm in. I would like to see what you think about putting 23mm tyres on a 17mm rim?

Ben :D
