Garmin Connect woefully slow

carl_p Posts: 989
edited June 2012 in The bottom bracket
It always seems woefully slow to me. In 'Activities' I'm trying to access page 2 of 7 and it's been hanging for ages. Anyone else noticing this or is it just me?
Specialized Venge S Works
Cannondale Synapse
Enigma Etape
Genesis Flyer Single Speed

Turn the corner, rub my eyes and hope the world will last...


  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    Carl_P wrote:
    It always seems woefully slow to me. In 'Activities' I'm trying to access page 2 of 7 and it's been hanging for ages. Anyone else noticing this or is it just me?
    Must have been just a glitch - just tried it and each page is taking 10 seconds or so to load.
  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    I'm trying to access it at the mo - 1st page no worries. Other pages - well, still "Loading"...
  • I have exactly the same issue. Page 1 shows fine. Page 2 nevers shows when paging down. Same with search using filters - the result never shows. A little sign with "loading" stays on the screen forever. I have tried to wait for hours but with no luck. Even selecting your favourite rides (the star marked ones) is slow now - it used to be lightening fast...

    I solved the problem by switching from MS Explorer to Google Chrome. I am no fan of that browser, so I am not pushing the Google solution. I am and have been a happy user of explorer. But in this particular case it solved the problem to use Chrome. Also tried to see if the 64 bit version of MS Explorer could solve the issue, but no. So please give it a try with a different browser...